Chapter 5

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it's five right idk


George didn't want to waste a second in America with Dream, but Dream wouldn't hear it.

"You're tired, I can very clearly see it," Dream said, crossing his arms. 

"I'm not here forever. I don't have time to waste sleeping."

"That's not how it works Gogy," Dream said. "You're sleeping and that's it." 

George rolled his eyes. "You're not my dad." 

Dream didn't say anything, just stood by the counter with his arms crossed. George looked around for something to distract him with. 

"Look," George said, holding up the McDonald's bag they'd picked up earlier. "We haven't even eaten yet." 

"We can eat that tomorrow." 

"Dream," George said. "I'm hungry." 

Dream paused, then shook his head. "Fine. But after that you're going to bed." 

George grabbed the bag and headed for the table, but Dream was opening the door to his patio. 

"C'mon, you can watch the sunset," Dream said. 

"I can't really see colours," George reminded him.

Dream broke into a grin as George passed him.

"What did you do," George demanded. "Dream?" 

"Sit down," Dream giggled. George immediately sat down on a deck chair, Dream next to him. George passed him a burger. They made eye contact. 

Dream started wheezing.

"You sound like a tea kettle!" George said. "Seriously, what did you do Dream!" 

Dream reached under his seat and pulled out a box, passing it to George. "Open it." 

"Will it explode?" George asked, genuinely concerned. 

Dream just wheezed more.

"I'm serious Dream, if it's another -" 

Dream was dying. "Just open it!" 

George did, and when he saw what was inside, he froze. 

"No way. Are these...?" 

"They're colourblind glasses," Dream said, wiping his eyes. "They showed up a couple days before you did. Now you can see the sunset colours." 

"No way," George said, pulling them out and gaping. "No. Way." 

"Well put them on already," Dream said, unwrapping his burger and grinning.

George looked at him. "I'm scared," he admitted, grinning. "Oh my god. Oh my god." 

"Scared of what?" 

"Stop laughing at me!" George whined, which didn't help. "Okay, okay, I'm putting them on!" 

He shut his eyes, still facing Dream, then slid the glasses on. He opened his eyes.


Dream smiled widely. "I was the first thing you saw." 

George spun his head around, looking everywhere. "It's so - is that green?" 

"You're so cute," Dream giggled. 

George ignored it, then looked back at him. He couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face. 

"Thank you so much for this," George said.

"Now you don't have to see everything like you're in a savanna biome," Dream said, shrugging and taking a bite of his burger.

George felt like he was going to explode. He didn't know how to form words to express how happy he was. The closest thing to explaining it would be to lean forwards and just kiss Dream. 

George's heart stopped. 

But he couldn't do that.

George started eating. "This is so cool," he said.

"So tomorrow you wanna go to the ocean?" Dream asked. 

George nodded so violently his head nearly flew off his neck. 

The sunset colours came out and George could see all of them. They both stayed out way past finishing their burgers. When it got colder out, Dream wrapped his arms around George and George leaned into him. Dream told him stories about the crazy neighbour next door, about the time a crocodile decided to walk right up to his front door, and about the times where people tried to rob the grocery store down the street, only to realise it didn't have any money and was nearly bankrupt. 

When he'd run out of stories, Dream looked down, and saw George had fallen asleep, curled up next to him. 

Dream smiled, looked back up at the sky, leaned his head on George's, and fell asleep too.


short chapter because i forced myself to write it

y'all are so patient omg 

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