Chapter 1

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This was made after the episode "The Wolves of Deep Brooklyn." This book won't be following the cases in later episodes, just a warning.         

        Jaylyn woke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing and picked it up. “Hello?”

            “Jaylyn.” She stiffened as she heard the voice on the other end. “I have a new target for you.”

            She glanced at the clock and sighed. “Can it wait until tonight? I don’t want to go out at midnight!”

            “No, this cannot wait. Your target’s name is Jimmy Welsh, he works at a slaughter house near China Town.” They informed her. “His shift ends soon and you need his access pass for tomorrow.”

            “Why not let someone else do this?”

            “Because you’re the best at not getting caught.”

            Jaylyn heard the click as her ‘friend’ hung up. She got ready for the task she’d been given and quickly put her light brown hair up before pulling on a black sweatshirt that had a hood large enough to help hide her face from anyone else she could pass on the street. Black skinny jeans and tennis shoes completed her look and Jaylyn grabbed her gun and pocketknife off her dresser before walking outside into the freezing winter air. She wrapped her arms around her waist tighter as she continued to walk towards China Town, looking around she could see not many other people were out in the cold weather ether, which was lucky for her because it meant less people that could witness what she was about to do.

            After about twenty minutes of walking it had started to snow and cover the slick ice that had already coated the ground. Jaylyn cursed as she stepped on a hidden patch of ice but managed to keep her balance and keep walking. When she finally reached the slaughterhouse, which turned out to be called Downtown Slaughter, Jaylyn walked to the back and found the employees only door where Jimmy would soon be coming out of.

            “This place smells awful…” Jaylyn grumbled to herself as she tried not to gag. “This had better be worth it for what I’m getting paid.”

            Jaylyn leaned against the wall for what to her seemed like hours before a middle-aged man wearing the name tag Jimmy on his bloodied shirt came out and started walking to his car. She slowly walked up behind him and took out her pocketknife, deciding it would be too loud if she shot the gun, and lunged forward. She wrapped her arm around Jimmy’s throat and pulled the knife back towards her until she felt warm blood run down her hand from his throat, Jaylyn dropped him to the ground where he was about to get back onto his feet to fight, considering he could no longer scream for help, but she was faster and stabbed him through his brainstem. Jimmy let out a gurgled shout of pain before going still, Jaylyn wiped the blade off on his clothing before pulling out the mini saw on her pocketknife and started going through the long, tiring process of cutting it through his neck. When she had managed to cut through all of it besides the neck bone itself she stood up and jumped on it as hard as she could, hearing a satisfying snap in return.

            She once again cleaned off her murder weapon and placed it back into her pocket before wiping away any footprints she’d left in the shallow snow and double checking that she didn’t leave any thing else that might be traced back to her. Satisfied that everything was normal and aware that the shifts had to be ending soon considering dawn was peaking over the horizon she quickly left the scene and used the back way to get to her large apartment. Jaylyn changed into normal black business pants and shoes along with a dark blue shirt before dropping her previous outfit into the trash and lighting it on fire. Once it was nothing but ashes she put out the remaining embers and grabbed her purse, which she moved the gun into for safety reasons, before going back outside into the cold morning air to hail down a cab and go to work.

            “Oh good Ms. Carver, you’re here.” The assistant at the desk sighed in relief. “Your first appointment is in ten minutes and I have some new files for you on a new patient that was transferred to our therapy center from the one across town.”

            Jaylyn took the file and nodded. “Well looks like I’m going to have a busy schedule.”

            “You know maybe you should let me help you more.”

            “No, no, I can handle the phone calls and paperwork just fine.” She waved her assistant off. “Besides some of them are important calls for me.”

            “Oh, well if you need help you know where I am.” Her assistant replied cheerfully.

            Jaylyn half smiled back, still trying to block out the images of killing Jimmy, before going into her office and putting the new files on the desk where she could look at them later. For the next ten minutes she made sure everything else was in perfect order and got out her first patient’s files, something was bothering her she realized suddenly, and it wasn’t the murder. Jaylyn glanced at the new file and opened it up to read the name, when she saw who it was she let out a small gasp, not him… anyone else but him, she thought before closing the file.

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