Chapter 6

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Jaylyn woke up and immediately squinted her eyes as bright afternoon night spilled into her room through the window. Seeing this she jumped up and quickly got ready, she was late for work, very late; hopefully her assistant had found someone to take care of her other appointments. Jaylyn drove through the still busy streets, going over the speed limit when she had enough room to navigate through the cars, before showing up at her work and rushing inside. When she saw whom her assistant was talking to however she froze, why was he here? Was she really that late?

            “…Sure she’s fine Mr. Morgan.” Her assistant continued, both of them not noticing Jaylyn walking towards them.

            “You said Ms. Carver isn’t usually late?” Henry inquired. “Are you sure I shouldn’t ask Detective Martinez to-”

            “I’m right here Mr. Morgan.” Jaylyn spoke up before he could say anything else.

            “Jaylyn, good you’re here!” Her assistant said with relief. “Do you know how many appointments I had to shift around?”

            “Sorry, I’ve had a busy night.” She waved her off and went inside her office with Henry following her. “I assume you’re here for your results right?”

            “Yes.” He nodded. “Are you sure you’re okay after the incident at the crime scene? You seem to be a bit sleep deprived.”

            “Fine Mr. Morgan, besides I’m your therapist my job is to help you not the other way around.” Jaylyn replied as she grabbed his paper work. “In fact, in my diagnosis I find that you work a bit too much. You become obsessed with your work to the point of it almost becoming unhealthy.”

            “Well I find work very relaxing at times.” Henry told her.

            “Look I don’t think you’re bad enough for medicine yet but I will recommend coming to this.” Jaylyn grabbed a flier for the party, she guessed Adam had stopped by and left it there for her, and handed it to him. “You can bring some of your friends too, I’d like to meet them and Abe.”

            She saw him tense up but he took the flier and nodded with a smile. “Of course, I’ll be there. Just one thing… will there be a certain theme or anything else I should know about?”

            “The theme is basically a formal type of thing so wear something that looks a bit fancier than your average club party.” Jaylyn wished he would just leave; she hated this conversation.

            “I’ll let the others know and you can be sure to see us tomorrow night.” Henry spoke up as he examined her one last time. “I still suggest you lay off the coffee and get more rest, from one type of doctor to another.”

            “If it gets you to stop worrying so I can do my job.” Jaylyn sighed before watching him leave. Once he was gone she sat down and drank some coffee from her travel mug.

            “Ms. Carver, is there anything you need?” Her assistant asked with a worried expression.

            “No. Just tell me when my next appointment is.”

            “You, uh, you slept through them all.”

            Jaylyn sighed. “Does the boss know I’m late?”

            “No, I’ve been taking care of everything so he doesn’t find out.”

            “I’m so lucky to have you working for me.” Jaylyn smiled a bit. “Now since I seem to have the rest of the day to relax make sure you stay out there and act natural… and make sure you take an extra break sometime.”

            Jaylyn leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes as she listened to her assistance’s footsteps fade away, she had already started to doze off a few minutes later when someone cleared their throat and made her snap awake.

            “What is it you want?” Jaylyn growled as she saw Jack standing before her desk.

            “I just wanted to say that our little problem, that you are responsible for I should add, is going to be taken care of tomorrow.” Sladen laughed, though it sounded more like an animal’s growl. “Adam thought I should warn you. If you ask me telling you will only cause complications.”

            “Are you crazy?” Jaylyn tried not to shout. “You can’t just show up to a public place with everyone who works here and more watching while you murder someone!”

            “Who said I would do it at the party?” He continued his laugh that caused the hairs on the back of Jaylyn’s neck to stand up. “I’m going to do it after the party, before would be preferable considering by tomorrow morning they could have the results but murdering after the party can make it seem as if it were an accident due intoxication.”

            “I understand Adam wants him dead but why? He isn’t telling us; don’t you care? Honestly all he needs to do is get rid of the results not kill anyone.” Jaylyn got up and started pacing.

            “I don’t care about the reasons. You know I just love the joy of seeing the last look on my victim’s face as they fade from life.”

            “Get out of my office.”

            Jack smirked at her and backed away. “I’m going, I’m going… by the way, you need a new assistant.”

            Jaylyn froze and turned to face him only to see him with his hands held up in surrender. “I’m joking… this time.”

            “I don’t want to see you anywhere near here again Ripper now go.” She ordered again as he continued to walk out. 

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