Chapter 8

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I have written a song on eternalsouls777 in my song book 'Eternal Souls song book' that I based off this book and the television show. If you want to check it out the song is title Forever's Ghost.

    By the time the car had stopped Jaylyn could barely find the strength to lift up her arm and open the car door. Adam helped her stand up and practically half carried her into her apartment and let her collapse on the bed in her room.

            “Adam, kill me.” She ordered, though it almost inaudible.

            He shook his head and turned to leave. “I would kill you… but death will find you soon enough without my help. Perhaps next time you’ll listen to what I tell you.”

            She glared weakly at him as he left but didn’t try to move until the sound of the front door closing reached her ears. Once he was gone Jaylyn forced herself to her feet and made her way over to the closet where a loaded gun was placed on the small shelf inside. The poison was slowly making her incapable of moving but she knew that it could be hours still before her heart finally gave out. She picked up the gun with a trembling hand and held it to her head; she was about to pull the trigger when the sound of her front door opening again made her pause. Perhaps Adam decided to kill me after all… the thought was absurd she knew; once he made up his mind Adam would rarely ever change it.

            Jaylyn used the wall to lean against as she stood back up and laboriously made her way towards her living room with the gun feebly pointed out in front of her. In her condition she would be lucky to hit anything with it though. “Adam, is that you? This isn’t time for one of your tricks.”

            A familiar dark chuckle came from the shadows. “Oh, but I love tricks… did you enjoy the one I played earlier?”

            “Jack.” Jaylyn tried to put venom in her voice as she sank to the ground in the entrance to the hallway.

            “Yes…” He walked out of the kitchen with a large steak knife. “Since we had such a nice talk at the dance I came here to finish it.”

            Jaylyn looked at the murderer coldly. “Go do your job and take care of the evidence and the people who will see it.”

            He laughed again and came closer. “That’s why I’m here. You see they got a call about the results, they know it’s you and are going to be here in, I’d say… about fifteen minutes. Do you know what they’ll find?”

            She raised the gun at him and fired three times, each horribly missing the target. Jack grinned and continued a leisurely pace forward until Jaylyn turned the gun to her own head. “The only thing they’ll find is a murderer holding a knife looking at a spot on the wall splattered by brain matter.”

            Sladen moved forward quickly before she could pull the trigger and knocked the gun away, it skidded into the kitchen and came to rest under the table where it sat forgotten. “You know why I still like using knifes despite all the new weapons?”

            Jaylyn struggled as he roughly began to drag her onto the cold kitchen tiles. “I get to watch people scream, beg, and slowly die in front of me… sure I can torture them with guns and drag out their deaths for a while… but a knife lets the killer show his personality, his feelings are put into his work. It also lets me learn the true personality of my victim, so what will you be? Scared, brave, a coward lets find out in these last twelve minutes shall we?”

            Jaylyn kicked him in the knee so he stumbled but Jack recovered enough to throw her onto the floor, jarring her head so the world blurred even more than it had been. Pain filled her wrist as the knife made one swift cut into it to form, what she could guess from the angel of the cut, a crescent. Also known as his trademark cut he put on his victims. Blood ran down her wrist but pain from another incision below her collarbone distracted her from the first wound and caused her to once again try, and fail, to wrap her hands around his throat to strangle him. He pushed her down by her shoulders and continued to cut her open like a surgeon until the cut reached the edge of her old scar. Jaylyn stopped trying to struggle and felt herself starting to go into shock as more blood poured out of her, soaking through her clothing and creating a puddle on the floor.

            “Not bad if I must say so myself, Adam hasn’t let me murder someone like this in forever… almost literally, but I guess some skills you don’t lose. Now what should I remove? A lung perhaps, no, how about a kidney?” Jack shook his head in psychotic amusement. “Your heart would be so fun to cut out… the blood pulsing everywhere… but we don’t want you to disappear yet do we? So why don’t I take some of your brain…?”

            The knife was slowly pulled out of her abdomen and she moved slightly from the pain before going still again. A moment later blood trickled down her head as Jack traced random patterns on her face before making a deeper cut starting in her temple. She could feel the knife slide against bone before Jack drew back to break through her skull but stopped as a car door slammed shut outside.

            He turned and glanced towards the front window. “Seems I was wrong… they got here sooner than expected. Pity, I was having fun…”

            Jaylyn heard him get up and break through the window as he ran off, voices outside shouted in surprise before going quiet as another set of footsteps followed after Jack. Afterwards came silence, no wind, no cars driving by, just dead silence. She could feel herself dying, her breathing was becoming shallow, but by her estimate it would still take her a few minutes before she disappeared. With her last remaining strength she reached for the knife that Jack had dropped but only succeeded in making it skid out of her reach. Darkness began to settle on her vision though her eyes didn’t yet close nor did her memories fill her mind, despite her worsening condition she swore she heard a door open and someone give a shout of astonishment.

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