Chapter 4

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Jaylyn got out of her car and unlocked her door with a trembling hand, she could feel the memories of her past trying to rise up in her mind but she shook them off, now wasn’t the time to die. If she did now someone could get suspicious about why she was late for work. At least I don’t have neighbors to worry about, she thought as she went to the contacts on her phone and clicked on Adam’s number, he was probably still out of town but maybe he would be able to help her come up with a plan to get the test results back for the bloody wire Henry took to be examined.

            Please pick up… Jaylyn thought to herself after the third ring. She took off her jacket and cut off the blood soaked bandage before hearing Adam’s voice on the phone after the fifth ring. “What is it?”

            “He has evidence it was me.”

            “Your point?” Adam asked in an uninterested tone.

            “When the test results come back… they’ll know it was me.”

            “Well by then it shouldn’t matter.”

            “Adam, we need a back up plan to get rid of it.” She growled half from impatience and half from the pain as she put stitches in her arm.

            There was a long pause on the other end. “I’ll send Sladen to take care of it. By the way, I saw your work at Downtown Slaughter. Have you seen what’s all over the news though? My work in Texas is already on every channel, also just a word of advice… avoid all meat products.”

            The call ended and Jaylyn sighed in frustration, Jack Sladen, an immortal that has been working for Adam since a little after 1888. He was a killer, sure she agreed with whom he killed… just not how. She wasn’t sure why Henry was on Adam’s list of people to kill ether, from his records and just meeting the man, Mr. Morgan didn’t seem all that bad; especially to be killed by Sladen. Jaylyn finished stitching and bandaging her cut, which immediately made her feel better, before changing into clothes for her office and going back out to her car.

            Jaylyn pulled into the parking lot and hurried inside where her assistant was talking with none other than Jo Martinez. She slowed down and cautiously approached the cop, making sure to have a friendly smile on her face; after all they shouldn’t know it was her who killed those people yet.

            “What can I do for you Jo?”

            Detective Martinez turned to look at her. “I was just here to see if you made it in okay, you seemed to be a bit… out of it… when you left. I had the time so I came here.”

            “I’m fine.” Jaylyn shrugged off her concern. “Like I said it was just a bit of nausea.”

            “Of course.” Jo paused and Jaylyn could see her working up the courage ask her something. “While I’m here can you tell me how Henry did today? I understand if you’re not allowed to though.”

            She smirked. “So that’s why you came here. Well unfortunately only Mr. Morgan is allowed to hear his result and if he is willing to tell you he can.”

            “Well then I’d better be going.” Jo replied. “Maybe I’ll see you around again.”

            Jaylyn waved in farewell before heading towards her office again, she almost made it but her assistant stopped her. “Looks like someone finally has a friend.”

            “She isn’t a friend, Detective Martinez is working near one of my patients thus meaning I know her and she knows me.” She explained. “And if you hadn’t noticed her real reason was to see how Henry was doing.”

            Her assistant shook her head. “Can’t you see she wants to be your friend though? She was genuinely concerned you weren’t okay… she even joked about you needing your own therapist after your little field trip.”

            Jaylyn opened her door before making a sarcastic remark. “How ironically funny…”

            “You need friends Jaylyn!” Her assistant shouted as the office door closed.

            Jaylyn scoffed mentally, she didn’t need friends they would just get in the way, not to mention the fact that she had to keep everyone, excluding Adam and Jack of course, at a distance. Otherwise her would-be-friends would start getting suspicious as to why she didn’t age or, knowing her luck at times, they would see her die in front of them. No, isolating herself was the only way to keep the ‘gift’ a secret.

            But are Adam and Ripper really people I want to be around for the rest of eternity? A little voice seemed to speak up from her subconscious. After all they aren’t the best people in the world, maybe real friends would be better. Yet Jaylyn couldn’t stop herself from remembering what happened the last half century ago, she had become friends with her coworkers during her time in Europe, unfortunately they had all been killed… because of her… because she didn’t want to risk dying in front of them. All four of them had been shot down because she had acted like a coward and ran off while they stayed to fight that gang. Even now she couldn’t forgive herself. She couldn’t tell her assistant this of course, she wouldn’t believe Jaylyn, so the only thing she could do was continue to make everyone believe she was just another anti-social person who could only deal with others in a work related way. A terrible way to live perhaps but not the worst… or at least it didn’t seem like the worst yet. 

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