Chapter 2

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Jaylyn watched as two guards took out her patient, Kile Liden, who was mumbling words under his breath after their therapy session. She wrote down how the mental patient had reacted to her last question with a sigh, patients like Kile weren’t her favorite to work with because of the fact their minds tended to be broken without hope of anyone being able to help, not to mention they were usually handcuffed down to a chair incase they decided to attack during the middle of a session. Jaylyn tore off the paper and put it into Liden’s file before picking up the next patient’s folder, which to her regret was her new patient. She placed it on the table as a knock came from the other side of her office door.

            “You’re early Mr. Morgan.” Jaylyn commented as she let him inside. “I’m Ms. Carver, your new therapist.”

            “Pleasure to meet you.” Henry replied as he shook her hand and glanced around at the plain office he’d entered. “I was already in the neighborhood so I decided to come in for my appointment early.”

            “You don’t sound too thrilled about being here.”

            Henry shrugged as he took his seat in the chair across from her. “I had a bad experience with my former therapist.”

            “Well I’m here to help you, now I’m sure your former therapist… Lewis Farber right… has also told you this, but if you don’t feel comfortable with something I ask, just speak up.” Jaylyn tried not to change her expression as she spoke the name. “Now, your last responses from your original therapy session have been sent to me, are there any changes you would like to make with your answers?”

            “No… Those answers still apply.”

            “Great. So my assistant left another note saying you’re here because a friend set up the appointment, would you like to tell me why they would do that?”

            Henry paused a few seconds to study her suspiciously before answering. “I might have stood in front of a speeding car once or twice.”

            Jaylyn wrote down his response. “Any reason for you to do that or have you always had suicidal like tendencies?”

            “That was a… rare occasion.” He replied. “I wanted to catch the murderer before anyone else could be killed.”

            She looked down at his file in confusion. “This says you’re a medical examiner. Why were you chasing the criminals?”

            “I work with a detective.” Henry explained simply.

            Jaylyn nodded. “You mentioned it was a rare occurrence to put yourself in danger, when you say rare what is the time period?”

            “About a month or so ago I might have told a suspect to shoot me instead of the detective I was working with.”

            Jaylyn wrote down the time period and sighed. “Seems like you work with this detective a lot, you guys must be close.”

            Henry saw her glance up at him with a seemingly knowing look, he didn’t want to answer the question but cast off his doubt as being overly suspicious, after all this wasn’t Adam. “Yes, Detective Martinez, she’s always with me when we do the cases.”

            “Is there any reason she wouldn’t have you come to see us sooner? The last time it was because of a sleeping problem right?”

            “Correct, though now I suppose I’m here because of how I’ve been acting recently.” Henry glanced at the clock.

            “Suicidal tendencies don’t just occur. Have you started taking any drugs that could cause them?” She already guessed what he would say because of all of Adam’s plans and when he answered Jaylyn was already starting to write.

            “I… killed someone. In self defense of course, but I didn’t want to kill them the-” Henry noticed she had already written that down. “How did you know it was my first kill?”

            Jaylyn looked back up from her paper. “You’re not the only person to come here for that problem, I know the signs when I see them.”


            She looked at her watch and stood up. “Looks like you’re session is over for today, you can schedule your next one with my assistant.”

            “Thank you Dr. Carver.” Henry replied as he stood up.

            Jaylyn scribbled down her number and handed it to him. “Call me when you have to go to work again, Lieutenant Reece granted me access to check out your job so I can better help you with your problems.”

            Henry nodded and Jaylyn watched him go before turning and putting the file away. Her day was finally over and now she could go home and try to relax after what she’d done last night and meeting Adam’s target face to face, That’s what she thought at least until her cell phone went off. Looking at the caller ID she mentally groan, it seemed as if her friend was trying to do everything in his power to keep her from relaxing and forgetting everything.  

            “What do you want?” Jaylyn hissed. “I already did your first favor.”

            “Such a venomous tone…” Adam chuckled. “You will listen to your next orders carefully and complete them as soon as it gets dark out.”

            “Go on.”

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