Chapter 3

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Jaylyn once again found herself wearing an unnoticeable black outfit and standing outside the slaughterhouse’s back doors. The air was still unpleasantly cold but at least it had stopped snowing so she wouldn’t have to worry about covering up her tracks. The sun was just setting by the time she opened the door, which made a loud shrieking sound, and walked inside where it was even noisier than the door. How no one could here it from outside astounded her. No one had noticed her entrance yet but she wasn’t going to wait until they did, Jaylyn took out her gun and in quick succession shot all the workers she could find. One however managed to stay out of sight until she had run out of bullets; Jaylyn put her gun back into her pocket and chased after the man until she had him cornered between her and a meat grinder that was still operating.

            “Why are you doing this?” The man, who she had now noticed, had a fake leg asked. “No one here has done anything to you.”

            “No… they haven’t.” Jaylyn agreed. “I came here to kill one… but there are too many witnesses, I have to take care of all of them.”

            “You won’t get away with this!” The man picked up a butcher knife in his trembling hands before backing up as far away as he could without falling over the safety rail.

            Jaylyn smirked in her most threatening way before taking her gun back out and smacking him in the temple with it. The worker staggered into the railing but still managed to swing his weapon hand and cut a long slice along Jaylyn’s arm, she clenched her jaw in pain and glared at him before kicking the man in the chest. The employee went over the edge and into the meat grinder, she listened as his bones crunched and risked a glance over the edge of the railing to see the bloody pulp that was being ground up the machine stopped however when it got to the prosthetic leg causing it to make a loud sound that left her ears ringing. Alarms began to go off and Jaylyn quickly broke the security cameras before running out into the cold night air, not caring or noticing of the blood drops she’d left behind as her arm turned red with her own blood.

            By the time she had gotten home Jaylyn could tell she’d lost a good amount of blood and debated on just killing herself to come back fully healed but the ringing of her cell phone stopped her.

            “Hello?” Jaylyn spoke up as she answered the incoming call.

            Henry’s voice came over the other end. “You asked me to call when something in my work came up. Can you meet up with us at Downtown Slaughter?”

            “Uh… yeah, hold on, I’ll meet you there in about ten minutes.” She replied while cleaning the blood off her arm and putting a bandage tightly around it.

            Henry said his goodbye and hung up the phone and Jaylyn raced to her room to change into a pair of dark jeans and a t-shirt. She reloaded her gun and put it in its holster on her belt before grabbing a black jacket that didn’t look like the cops’ bullet proof vests but still served in stopping a bullet from hitting her even at point blank, custom designed just for her. This time she got into her car considering she wouldn’t have to be cautious about going there and drove off down the street and towards the slaughterhouse where she’d just came from barely a half hour before.

            “Are you sure you’re safe?” Jo asked as Jaylyn parked her car and walked over to them.

            “I think I’ll be fine Detective.” She replied. “I know how to shoot if needed.”

            Henry glanced between them. “You know each other?”

            “I went to see Dr. Carver after my… husband, passed away.” Jo told him. “I didn’t really want people know about it but I needed someone to help me.”

            “That’s the usual response.” Jaylyn said. “But out here I’m not a doctor, you can just call me by my name.”

            “Well then lets get this investigation started then now that we have all the introductions out of the way.” Jo nodded.

            “Agreed. Henry I’m going to guess y-” Jaylyn looked around only to see her patient wasn’t in sight.

            “He does that.” Jo informed her. “Follow me he’s probably inside already half way through the case.”

            “The point of me coming wasn’t to freeze for the fun of it.” Jaylyn sighed under her breath.

            “Henry can be a bit strange, I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out exactly how to help him soon enough.”

            “Trust me, I’ve helped worse.”

            The inside of Downtown Slaughter looked exactly as it had when Jaylyn had left it, blood and bodies covered the floor while alarms continued to flash, the only difference was that the sound has stopped and they were now in an eerie silence. As she turned to face Jo she could see the horror and repulsion faintly spread across her face.

            “Who could have done this?” Jo almost whispered. “This is mass murder of an entire facility of innocent people!”

            “Some people don’t care how innocent people are.” She replied as they found Henry looking at the ground up man in the meat grinder. “Some people just kill for fun.”

            “Who ever killed these people was here recently.” Henry told them as he looked at blood smeared on the dropped butchers knife. “The blood hasn’t dried yet and no one has reported this.”

            “Then why are you two here?” Jaylyn feigned confusion.

            “A body was found earlier in the employee entrance with his head cut off, Henry came to ask around and find any information from the crime scene without anyone to get in the way.”

            Jaylyn nodded, not completely trusting herself to speak incase Jo or Dr. Morgan heard a change in her voice. She continued to watch Henry as he walked all around the large room as he tried to piece together what exactly had happened, finally he got to the cameras where he paused before moving a desk over to stand on and get a better look. Detective Martinez stood by Jaylyn, who was beginning to get an uneasy feeling as Henry pulled out a wire that was covered in blood… her blood.

            “Looks like our murderer wasn’t so careful this time.” He spoke up as he got down and walked over to them. “They left blood on the cut wires.”

            “How do you know it isn’t from the victims?” Jo asked as she looked at the evidence.

            “Most likely the murderer wasn’t willing to get too close to the victims but the butchers knife by the meat grinder means that the could have gotten wounded while finishing off the employee. Of course we won’t know for sure until we do some tests on it.” Henry replied as he put the bloody wire in the evidence bag.

            “I think I’ve seen enough for now…” Jaylyn spoke up. “I-I’m going to go get some rest before I go see more of my patients.”

            “Are you sure you’re okay?” Detective Martinez asked. “You look a bit pale.”

            “I assure you it’s because I’m not usually around all of… this.” She motioned to the mess around them before stumbling back a bit. “I’ll see you at your next appointment Dr. Morgan.” 

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