Chapter 5

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Jaylyn unlocked the door to her apartment before opening and closing it quickly to avoid letting the piercing cold wind inside. She was about to take off her coat and turn on a light when she felt another presence with her in the room, before she had time to take out her gun a cold metal blade from a kitchen knife was pressed against her neck while the holder of the knife used their other hand to take her gun out and press it to her forehead.

            "I expected you to show up earlier." Jaylyn laughed slightly to avoid getting nicked in the throat by the knife.

            Adam dropped the weapons and backed off. "You're getting slower Jay... I expected you to blow my brains out the second you walked in the door."

            "I've had a busy week and I am exhausted from running your errands for you."

            He shook his head. "They are a necessary part of my plan."

            "Right." Jaylyn hung her coat on the hook by the door before brushing passed him into the kitchen. "Look why are you here?"

            "I spoke with Henry today." Adam spoke casually. "I said I wanted to meet Abe but he seems to think I want to hurt him."

            "I wonder what would give him that idea Lewis." Jaylyn replied, making sure to use the name Henry would know him by. "You are the one who scared him away with your... for lack of a better thought, strangeness."

            "I want you to invite him and Abe to the party at work." Adam ordered. "I don't care who they bring as dates, if they wish to bring dates, just make sure Henry isn't around when I talk with Abe."

            "It isn't professional to bring patients to a work party." Adam glared at her and Jaylyn tried to keep a blank face. "I'll... I'll convince him to come. Just make sure I get a flier to remind me to ask."

            "Good. Also, Jack will make his move after the party... ether a day or so after he hasn't made up his mind yet."

            "One less person I have to kill." Jaylyn muttered as she poured herself some soda.

            Adam made a quiet sound, almost like a laugh from a private joke between just him, and walked out of the kitchen. Jaylyn heard the front door close and relaxed, she hated it when Adam came in uninvited like that but no matter how many times she changed the locks he always seemed to get a key for it, not to mention most of the time his visits were unpleasant and orders to kill someone. Sure she could just stop helping him, she couldn't die no matter how many times he tried killing her, if that's what he'd decide to do, but Jaylyn knew that wasn't the first thing he would do... no the first thing he would do would truly destroy her, maybe not physically, but if she didn't obey his kill orders she wouldn't have a reason to want to live anymore. Not that the people she protected knew about her, she was just a distant friend to them, barely acknowledge because she tried not to get too close.

            Despite the soda Jaylyn had drank a few moments before she still felt as tired as before, which was bad considering she was trying to fill out paper work to release one of her older patients from needing to see a therapist anymore. Eventually she felt herself drift off at the desk in her room before she could continue writing the paper.

            Jaylyn jerked awake to the sound of a door creaking, when she looked up she saw her eighteen-year-old sister walking over to her with a tray of medicine. The first thought that crossed her mind was that everything she'd just experienced was some dream, obviously she was sick, it was just a figment of her feverish mind.

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