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[Bizarre, Proof and Kuniva sitting on a bench]

Swifty: Why do you guys look so sad?

Bizarre: Sit down with us so we can tell you

[Swifty sits down]

Bizarre: The bench is freshly painted



Dre, to Eminem: What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic. But it was also wrong

Author's note

Okay, but like, a lot of people criticize Eminem because of his lyrics. They say he's omophobic, a fucking racist (how can people say he's racist when he is surrounded by black people he's friends with; Nick, buddy, Proof was black and he was Em's bestie) and a lot of other things. Most of the people who say these things have never bothered to listen to Criminal, apparently. If they did, they would understand that what he says on his songs doesn't reflect what he thinks. 

Stephen King writes about rape, homicide and many other fun things, but I don't think he's a rapist or a murderer. It's the same thing for Em and people need to understand that.

Sorry for the rant. Had to get it out.

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