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Kuniva: I'll have one magic elixir, please. Something to make me calm, focused, and happy. Something to restore balance to the universe

Barista: Coffee?

Kuniva: Coffee


Proof: Ask Paul if it's okay to go out with us tonight

Eminem: I don't need his permission

[5 minutes later]

Paul: You can go

Eminem: Thanks, dad


Obie: Are you seeing someone?

Eminem: No, why do you ask?

Obie: Well, I think seeing a therapist could be good for you

Author's note

Short sad story: english isn't my first language (I'm italian). I can read it, I can speak it, I can write it (kind of, I certainly need more practice), but I always need lyrics when I'm listening to new songs (especially rap songs) to understand them. This said, Kuniva released a new album and I want to listen to it SO BADLY, but guess what? Nobody bothered to post the lyrics of the songs. End of the short sad story

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