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chan walked around before he saw someone tied up to a tree. "minho!?" he ran up to him, as the boy was screaming but it was muffled due to his mouth being taped.

"run while you can!!" was what minho wish chan heard but again, due to the tape it came out as a muffle. chan ripped off the tape, earning a loud groan from minho.

"shhh, they might hear you."

"okay well damn, my mouth almost came off. but chan run while you can-" minho was interrupted by a voice.

"chan? that's the name, well..chan..you're just in time for the show! get him." two figures the same ones who ran at him with those razor blades grabbed him as he struggled. one of them kicked him in the stomach getting him to "calm down".

another figure grabbed minho while the person in the middle between the two, chan guessing the leader grabbed minhos face before admiring his features.

"you're pretty handsome, it would be a shame if someone ruined that pretty face of yours.." the voice said as they smashed minhos face against the tree, making him struggle to breathe and yelp in pain.

"m-minho!" chan yelled, struggling to get off the grip of these two figures, but they only held on tighter and harsher.

the same figure who smashed minhos face grabbed out a razor blade and began to cut and stab the poor boy to death. the two people that were holding him, let go as they saw minho stop breathing and bleeding to death.

chan took the chance to kick one of the figures that were holding him in the stomach with his feet. the other let go as soon as he punched them in the chest. he started running as the others were gonna go after him before a voice stopped them.

"stop, let him run. he won't get far anyway."

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