Why ?

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"Huhu" my eye's are open yet all I see is darkness, I'm scared. I know that this is all a dream but it feels so real. A cold feeling of isolation creeps up on me and makes it hard to breath. I feel so alone and suffocated by, all these strange emotions that are so alien to me.

~Ding, Ding~
The sound of the alarm wakes me up "huuuh...." I gaspe for air. Although I'm awake the suffocating feeling still lingers. I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I put on some shorts and an oversized shirt after, fluffing my hair. I run downstairs, out the door, and hop in Beck's car. On the way to school me and Beck sing our heart's out to ~Looking at me~. "If I leave you behind just follow the broken necks ", yesss this is the song we became friends on. As we pull up to the school I hear "Why the hell were you lookin at her?", I look up from my phone and watch. "I don't know what your talkin about ", James says given Eva this dumb ass look. Honestly if she believes him I'm done, everyone knows he's a play boy. He slept with most of the girls on the step team which, mind you are her friends. "Hahah" beck laughs and gets out the car. I follow after putting on some carmax and my fixing the r on my choker. Soon after chatting with some friends we get in class. I sit next to beck and their girlfriend taylor. We sit and chat for a while before mr. Hiven walks in. We all say good morning and start class. If I'm being honest I'm not even listening. I snickaly eat my chocolate covered strawberries under my desk.

Yesssss finally class is over, I quickly run out of class and stop when I hear yelling. "What the hell James", they're at it again. They yell or more like,eva yells at james while ,he stands there lookin stupid. Then out of nowhere ~slap~ she slaps him right across his face. Ohh the look on his face was everything! His face was red and tears filled his eyes. Maybe I'm just straight up evil ,but damn am I lovin this. See let me tell you, I absolutely can't stand james. Back when we were in middle school, we used to be friends. Yes me and that f-boy where friends. But anyways one day I caught him kissing big lips ema. Yeah that's what we called her , you can only guess why. I was shocked at first but then I decided to tell eva since they were dating....if your wondering eva and james have been on and off since elementary. Maybe even in the womb, I mean ya never know. But yeah I went and told her and she confronted him in front of the whole school. And you know what that peace of crap did, he said that I was lesbian and that it was me who kissed her. After that we stopped being friends and everyone called me the angry lesbian for 4 whole months. Not only that but he would low key bully me. It only stopped until one day I beat his ass and he high tailed it away from me.

Anyways in the midst of the chaos the bell rings. Everyone scatters like bug's. Second period was pretty boring until this feeling hit me. It was like a sudden feeling to fall to my knees and wait. Suddenly my knees start shaking and my body starts going numb. What the heck is going on right now?

I know this is kinda short but I just wanna see where this goes ^^

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