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Beauregard either hated her, children in general, or he was a sadist. Gardenia was leaning toward all three.

Lying on the grass of the Quidditch pitch, exhausted beyond belief, Gardenia questioned, not for the first time, her decision to join the team.

"You alright there, firstie?" Mackenzie's head appeared above her.

"I can't feel my legs."

The older girl laughed and extended a hand for Gardenia to grab onto as she pulled her up.

"The first few weeks are tough, but you'll get used to it in no time at all."

"I think Beauregard might want to make me hate Quidditch," Gardenia commented, dusting off her training clothes.

"Archie is a tough coach, but he means well," Mackenzie replied. "He's building up your stamina right now, and then he'll start with the more specific training. A Quidditch game can last for hours, and you need to be able to not tire out after just a few minutes."

Gardenia nodded, Mackenzie's explanation made sense and brought a little bit of sanity to all the exercises she'd been put through for the last three weeks, but it would've been nice if Beauregard had told her the purpose of it, instead of just making her run laps across the Quidditch pitch(which was ginormous when compared to a football field) until she dropped.

Mackenzie seemed to read what she was thinking from the look in her face because the girl chuckled and patted Gardenia on the shoulder. "Archie forgets that other people don't automatically reach the same conclusion as him, he probably just thought there was no reason to explain."

"So, he's socially inept?"

This time, Mackenzie laughed, her eyes shining. "You could say that."

Heidi and Cedric, the other two first years in the reserve team, followed a more general training along with the main team, not being required to do as well since they were new to the regime. Gardenia, on the other hand, was to follow a set of exercises created by Beauregard, since she got in to eventually replace him, and he wanted to make sure she was up to the standard. She was a bit resentful of that, if only for how sore her muscles were after each training, but she understood why. Every other position was filled with people who would still be at Hogwarts for at least another year, while they would be left without a Keeper in the next year.

Did that make her any less annoyed at Beauregard and his methods? Not really, but she was at trying to understand his reasons.

She headed to the changing rooms with Mackenzie by her side, the older girl venting about her classes while Gardenia listened, nodding at the appropriate times. The sixth-year shared a dorm with her cousin and her mentor, so Gardenia was amused by her recounting of events that involved Nymphadora and Penny.

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