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O L I V I A    P O V

I'm listening to the snow crunching while something or someone is on the other side of the stream. Put my hand over my mouth, closed my eyes, press my back up tight to the trunk of the large tree to wait for whoever it is to walk away. Open my eyes, grab my leg with pain shooting through my body, peering around the tree to see if I could see who it is, but it is too dark to even make out shadows. 

Shivering, my teeth start to chatter, biting my finger to stop them from making a noise. My body freezing with being wet, plus the icy air is having an effect on me. Lean just a little too much to peer around the tree, the snow crunches. I hear something crossing the stream with the water splashing. 

Reaching my side where the snow starts to scrunch until the guy is stood in front of me. He stares down at me, shakes his head. I have no way of fighting him back with my leg like it is, plus the chill is too much for my whole being to survive out here. 

He scoops me up pulling me tight to his warm half-naked body making his way back to the cabin. "You are lucky he did not get you." Not saying a word, my head rests on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. "You saw what happened to Opal, he is picking them off. Trying to make the pack weak." Closing my eyes for a split second before opening my mouth. "What is this creature?" Built-up enough courage to ask him.

He is silent for a while, takes a deep breath. "He is rogue." Not sure what he meant by that. "He was one of the pack but he wanted to be the alpha male. He turned nasty against his very own which he is stuck in his wolf form where I am stuck in my human form." With what he is telling me is not soaking into my brain at all. "He has two days to get you to break a curse which is when the blood moon is full also means the snow starts to melt." Confused with his words, why me? "What do I have to do with all this?" He carries on walking not saying another word making me think I have lost my entire sanity with what he said. 

All this creature is, is another wolf putting the fear of God into me, just so, he can take me. "How am I the one? None of this makes any sense." Take a deep breath we reach the cabin where he lays me on the sofa putting a fleece over me to keep me warm. 

He puts two logs on the fire slides his shorts off climbs behind me pulling my t-shirt off over my head placing it on the floor. Wrapping his arms around me to get me warmed up.


Morning came he looked at my leg rubbed a gel into the bruised area which is visible on my shin. He slips his shorts on places a couple of logs on the fire steps to the back door glances at me opens the door, steps out closes the door behind him. 

Staring into the fire listening to him with the axe chopping the wood. Glanced over to the two wolves who are sitting licking their wounds. I am stuck in a goddamn nightmare. Rolled onto my back rubbed my eyes wishing I had never taken the bloody job interview. 

My parents must be going outta their minds not knowing where I am. My mind going over everything he had told me, which is still not sinking into my head. Sighing loud the wolves stand making me jump they walk closer to me resting their head on my thighs. 

Hesitating to touch them, fear that they would rip me apart. Look deep into Otis's eyes reaching my hand slowly to smooth his head. Fear drains away my body, feels relaxed while my hand smooths this beautiful creature. "You are an amazing creature." Talking to him like he understands me. 

Stare deep into his eyes seeing a vision of twelve wolves one is pure white glowing with the sun while moving graciously through the trees. Not blinking my mind gets deeper into the vision where a fight broke out between the white silky one and a dark grey one. They wanted to fight each other but the white one took a form of a human the dark grey stayed a wolf with scars on his body he is banished from the pack.

Blinking coming out of my thoughts, the door opens the guy steps in carrying logs for the fire. He glances over at me with my hand on Otis's head. Stare at the guy realising he is the one from my vision, he is the white Alpha male. 

Now I know I am insane with what I am thinking with what my imagination is imagining, this is not real. What I had just seen does not happen in real life, it happens in the movies. If this is real, why the hell do they need me? "Can you explain what will happen tomorrow night when it is the full blood moon?". He turns slowly from looking at the fire the wolves leave out through the back door. 

Sit up pulling the fleece around me waiting for him to tell me. To tell me the truth. "It is complicated for any human to understand how the animal kingdom really works." He sits on the edge of the sofa staring into the fire while he talks to me not making eye contact. "For any of us to break the curse we need an outsider which is you." He looks deep into my eyes while he explains himself. "When the blood moon is at the highest, I need to make love under the moon while being guarded by the pack chanting to break the curse." I burst out uncontrollably laughing at such an absurd explanation. 

He shoots me a serious gaze telling me he is not playing that what he had said is real. My laugh fades my face changes shape with his look. From one nightmare into another. When will I ever wake up from the realms of no reality? Surely, he is saying this to frighten me but, with his look on his face is telling me something else. 

The truth that passed through his lips making me doubt everything that is around me. Will I wake up when this dream finally plays out or will I become dinner for this satanic ritual for them all to feed on?

My mind is not my own right now thoughts of how this guy had made love to me. Now he is telling me he needs to make love to me in the open night sky to break a curse that the pack need to break. Insane this is, all of it is insane. I have no rational explanation for what he said but the look of seriousness on his face tells me he is truthful with every breath of word he said.

Rest my head back on the arm of the sofa we could hear howling from a distance. He gazes at me, his eyes hypnotising me telling me not to be scared. Feeling at ease my eyes close for a short while entering into the world of dreams. 

Running through the forest snow falling from the trees, breathing heavy trying to outrun the creature that is chasing me. Glancing over my shoulder to see a shadow of only what I could describe is huge, nothing I had ever seen in my life. From out of nowhere a pure white wolf stands between me and the creature guarding me, protecting me from being indulged by this horrific beast. 

Glance around me to see a pack of wolves putting themselves between me and this creature. I so wanted to wake up. Screaming with fear, feel a hand on my shoulder lightly pressing to wake me up. Open my eyes to have the guy bent over me. "You were having a nightmare". Pulled the fleece tight to my neck trembling with fear. 

Had that dream been real or was it just a dream like it is meant to be? Gazing into the fire my heart slowing to a steady beat. The guy puts another log on the fire. He walks over to the kitchen to get a plate of food stepping back to me places the plate on my lap. "You need to eat." He demanded me. 

Staring at the plate with exotic fruit. Take a piece of something that I had never seen before, place it in my mouth. It melts filling me with a taste that is outta this world. He smiles, I haven't seen him smile much but when he does it makes my heart skip a beat.







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