Important A/N: The next updates

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Hey guys!!! Long time no see!

I just wanted to write a quick note, because I constantly get comments upon comments and messages about when I'm going to update - and instead of repeatedly replying the same thing, I am just going to say it here in the hopes that most of my readers will see this. Hopefully this answers most of your questions!

Also, yes I kinda abandonned this book for literal years oopsy. But I will hopefully continue it in the future if you guys want more of it!!!

'Why haven't you updated?'

I haven't been able to update this year due to the fact that I am in my final year of school. Unfortunately, I've had to spend most of my time studying so I can do well and maintain a good grade and rank, cos it determines if I graduate or not. My friend Ani and I recently did update our Pokemon: Truth or Dare book for a short chapter, but that was completely on a whim during my break and didn't take very long to write. However, with my main stories, most chapters do take a significant amount of time to write and edit, and I often have to write out outlines for the chapters and the ones coming after it so I know where the story is headed and how I am going to space out chapters. But due to school, I really haven't had that kind of time to dedicate to doing that. As much as I have wanted to update, I wasn't able to sacrifice my school work for it.

'Are you giving up on your stories?'

Not! No, no. (lol lemme know if u get the reference)

100000000000000000% no. I honestly have grown attached to my works and I'm the kind of person who rarely likes to leave things unfinished unless I have to. One way or another, no matter how long it takes, I will complete most of my main stories (probs not all of them, but most). Plus, amourshipping does hold a special place in my heart :D

'When will you update again?'

Hopefully sometime in late November/December??? Like I said, writing chapters for stories requires a bit of time, so I will have to wait until I graduate (which is in November). Don't expect any updates before then, as I have finals coming up in October that determine if I graduate or not, and I have to decide what I will be doing after leaving school lol. I got a lot of things to sort out. But once I do, I'll be back here with some updates :D

Just one last thing - I've had a lot of people recently message me or leave comments saying how my stories were some of the first stories they ever read here, or my stories got them into amourshipping, or how memorable my stories are; and I honestly was just so moved. Like personally I see my writing as trash lmao so I don't know what you guys have been reading :D But in all seriousness thank you thank you thank you all so so so so so so much for always supporting me and reading this trash I write. You guys are honestly all so sweet!

Anyways, until the next chapter!

xx amourfangirl1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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