Chapter 16

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Now the thing about seals was, is it was kinda hard and tedious to recreate them if you weren't a master or have them memorized like some kind of psychopath. So whenever I sat, holed up in my room all afternoon after a day of training and missions, you could say I was rather tired.

So at 4 in the morning, when training was at 6 you could say I was in a bit of a rush to get to bed. With a seal hidden away in every room, silencing any prying ears and the last one gingerly placed in the wall with care- I slipped.


Although I managed to to catch myself before I fell to my doom of a bruised body. Although the price was a crumpled up silence seal in my hand. And I cried. I sat there, holding the paper I had meticulously drawn and painted, ink stamped across across my arm and hand. All of those little designs and seals, gone..

Stamps.. I forgot what stamps were.. were they used in fuinjutsu? Could I figure out a way to use them..? This was definitely a possibility.. plus if it worked I could get a bunch of money. Stamps obviously existed, used for Kage , doctor, and teacher signatures so they wouldn't have to constantly sign and would just have to stamp some ink onto paper.

This could work.

So with only an hour of sleep, I was a bit of a mess today. Rushing out of bed, brushing my teeth while in the shower, barely getting the ink off my skin. It looked like a bruised myself pretty roughly.

I grabbed something quick to eat after putting up my hair (not bothering to brush it) and rushed towards a familiar ally way, where a small black cat poked her head out to me from her garbage bin. I sat down on a wooden crate in the ally next to here as I ate an energy bar that tasted like cardboard and little spoiled Pako at a can of tuna.

Tuna in the other world wasn't expensive, it was a poor mans food in my opinion. Found in any grocery store. But here, saltwater fish were a commodity, as we were out in the middle of the desert, and there was really only fresh fish around. Either way it was imported from the land of fire and occasionally lightning.

If we got saltwater fish it was expensive. Which is where most of my paycheck went. Pako, the spoiled brat of a cat whom I loved dearly.
I stroked her head while watching the sun, then as the sun hit my eyes I pulled out a little container from my pocket. Pulling out a small, fine brush with an ink like substance on it, and swiped it around my eyes.

I hated kohl with a passion. It feels wet when it is first applied then starts feeling all crusty later on in the heat of the sun. Plus this just brought back bad memories of me not being able to apply makeup just right in my past life. Even Kankuro could do it better than me!

As the time came closer to training I trudged on my way. To training ground 12. The others, except Shiruma-sensei were there already. Although as I arrived he came in a puff of smoke.

"Alrighty everyone, and good morning to you all, my happy students!" As he spoke he folded his hands together. I looked around none of us looked happy to be here.
"Today we will begin with our warmups, 30 minutes of meditation, try to explore your chakra nature, then we will do stretches, 5 laps around the field, and then some sparring with a twist, but we'll get to that when we get there!"

I hated sparring. I just sucked at combat in general.. plus I didn't have a whole lot of chakra to play around with. I had to be careful.

So first came out meditation. I did the standard. Completely relax my body (or whoever much I could), and feel my heart beat, then the blood flow in my veins, then every twitch of movement inside my body, the outside, and then the flow of chakra. After some practice I managed to  achieve their state within 10 minutes. Learning the katas Shiruma-senses taught me made it a lot easier.

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