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Sarah prayed and prayed while lightly and quietly humming the tune of green sleeves hopping toby would go back to sleep. But no.

Toby howled and screamed and burst into tears. Sarah started to cry and almost balled into tears just as toby is. But no she stayed strong kept trying to get toby to get back to sleep.

It wasn't until a gloved hand reached inside the closet door. Sarah gasped and held her breath, hopping it was her dad trying to reach her.

"Sarah~..." but it wasn't. The door opened the reveal two brightly growing different colored eyes.

Jareth grabbed Sarah and threw her out of the closet hitting her head on the dresser and holding toby closer to her.

Jareth marches up to her and before he could grab toby and rip him from Sarah's arms she said the words she regrets saying.


Everything was quiet except toby who was still crying and howling and screaming.

"What" jareth said confused and in a hissing tone.
"Take me instead and leave toby," she paused and was thinking of what to say to back up what she had already said.

"Please" jareth stood up straight glaring at her.
"You want a heir to the throne why not have one that's your own flesh and blood, if you take toby he wouldn't be a TRUE heir to the throne" she paused tears in her eyes.

"But take me, and you'll have a true heir to the throne, and you can have as many as you like"

Jareth still glaring was thinking long and hard about her plead for mercy and her request. But she's not wrong if jareth takes her and makes her queen then if they have children then it would be a TRUE heir to the throne.

"Please" Sarah whispered and repeated the word until her voice was nothing but a soft whisper and until nothing.

"And if I don't take you"she looked up and sighed. "Then I'll say the words to rid you from here" jareth stiffened.

"Very well, I will except your request of taking you. But" "but?.." "only by dreams can I take you, I will let you live in the human world until you move out and live on your own then will I fully take you" Sarah's heart sunk yet she was happy. Happy that she still could stay here and only go by dreams.

"V very well" "good, tomorrow will be the first day of the new normal" Sarah nods. "Stand up" Sarah looks up and stands up. Her weak knees try to hold her up.

Out of thin air a crystal forms in his hand an a charm similar to his floats from his hand and around Sarah's neck,

"Never take it off, understood" Sarah nods. Jareth turns to leave.

"Wait" he turns back to Sarah, she sighs and looks down at toby who had cried him self to sleep, she walks over and lays toby in his crib.

"Please, please promise me" jareth raised and eye brow and looks at her tears falling down her face when she turns to him.

"Please promise me, that you'll leave him out of this and the rest of my family" jareth sighs and another crystal forms in his hand.

"I promise" she nods as a thank you and they stay silent.

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