Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Elizabeth Candler, also known as Liz to her friends, wondered if she had angered someone from above that she had encountered three minor misfortunes and one major misfortune. The first misfortune that she encountered earned her a large blue-black bruise right in the middle of her forehead as she tried to walk to the bathroom with her eyes closing.

Second, she found her small plant that was used to be sitting at the window, was destroyed from the last night's wild raining when her roommate forgotten to close the window before she went to bed. That plant was a gift she brought for herself three years ago and had grown attached to it.

Third, she found that the refrigerator was empty except for a few bottles of beer that belonged to her roommate. Hungry, she decided to go to the small diner just a few blocks away from her apartment for lunch. On the way there, a car drove over a water puddle and she gotten sprayed from it. It nearly made her break out tears because it ruined her newly brought shoes that cost nearly half of her monthly salary.

However, those were just minor misfortunes. The major misfortune was when she found out she's pregnant.

"Congratulations! You are three weeks pregnant!" The too cheerful doctor announced as if Liz just won a lottery.

Everyone known Liz as a kind, sweet and patient woman and Liz thought she was those too, but hearing that piece of news shows that she could be angry and rude. Cynthia, her roommate, and the doctor gaped at Liz as if she had grown an extra head when she started yelling and screaming in frustration and anger.

Cynthia brought her back to their apartment and the moment they entered their apartment, Liz broke down and cried. It did not help when the doctor had said it was normal for a pregnant woman to experience mood swings, such as sudden depression or crying.

"Oh God, what am I going to do?" Liz asked as the panic grew stronger. She absently begins chewing her fingernails, a bad habit she that she could not break since her childhood.

Cynthia was shocked from the news as well but she had to be strong for her best friend that needs her now. Liz had suffered nausea every morning for the past few days and getting more tired easily, which prompted Cynthia to get Liz to the hospital. Instead, they found out she's pregnant.

"Liz, you need to tell me, who you had sex with a month ago?" Cynthia keeps her voice soft and calming as she rubbed Liz's arms to calm her down.

Liz mumbled something, but it was too soft for Cynthia. "What?"

She had to press her ear closer to be able to hear what Liz said. "Kingsley."

"What?" Cynthia jumped up from the couch and stared at her best friend with horror. "A-Are you sure?"

Liz nodded, sobbing silently. She understands why Cynthia would be horrified, for Adam Kingsley is, as Cynthia once said as a joke, 'the boss of our boss'. Adam Kingsley, the CEO of a large supermarket with several branches across the world.

Cynthia sat back down and hugged Liz, and does not know what to say. Liz allowed her, for it's quite comforting to be hugged and Cynthia was not a hugger, except when she's drunk. When Liz's crying finally stopped, Cynthia had to ask.

"Girl, I know it's hard, but you've got to tell me everything."

Liz reluctantly nodded and swallowed back her fresh tears. The act was done and she had no choice but to deal with the consequences.

"We met at the pub."

"Pub? You mean the pub that we went to celebrate my birthday?"

Liz nodded. "He was there. Drunk."

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