Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As Adam had not mentioned about the dress code, she chooses to wear a simple T-shirt with the picture of blue waves and a pair of faded jeans. Thankfully, when they arrived where they would be having lunch, she was relieved that he had chosen a diner that was not too classy for her casual wear.

It was not that she could not believe Adam's casual wear as a reference, but his casual wear does not seem out of place in a classy place due to his cool facade.

From the simple menu, Liz chooses a simple sandwich with ham for her lunch and Adam chooses steak. After the waitress left with their order, Liz got nervous as Adam's attention shifted towards her.

His gaze seems to indicate that she was a puzzle that he wanted to solve.

Finally, Liz could not stand that kind of stare and ask, "Is there something on my face?

Adam blinked as if he just realized that he was staring at Liz. "No, there's nothing on your face."

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure you out."

"Figure me out? does staring at me helps?" Liz asked doubtfully.

"By your way of dressing," Adam answered as if it's a matter of fact.

"Then... what do you find out about me from the way I dress?" Liz asked curiously despite fighting the urge to squirm. Her t-shirt was not new and she vaguely remembers she had spilled an oily food on the shirt and the stain was still there after countless washing.

The food arrived before Adam could answer and Liz felt disappointed. She was honestly curious about his view towards her as she genuinely wishes to have a positive image in him.

The thought of repeating the question was pushed away when her stomach growled softly in hunger. Without waiting for Adam to start his meal, she digs into her sandwich and nearly moaned in bliss at how good it tasted. The bread was slightly crispy but not overboard, just perfect and the ham was tasty.

This could be one of the best sandwiches she had ever tasted!

After she had finished her sandwich, she looked up and noticed Adam was staring at her again with that scrutinizing gaze! With a glance downward, she saw in disbelief that Adam had already finished his steak.

When Adam did not retreat his gaze or speak, Liz finally said, "I don't think I am that difficult to understand."

"Yes, you are right that you are not difficult to understand. But there's something in you that's rather interesting

"Interesting? Are you talking about my manners?" Liz asked defensively. She had endured criticism since young about her manners from her father and relatives, about how she had embarrassed them in public.

Liz does not want a husband that's on the same circle with her father and relatives.

"No, I don't mean that. I'm actually glad that you are different from those women eats little to remain stick thin."

Liz laughed lightly, the dark mood inside her dispersed easily after his response. "Many women wish to look beautiful and being thin to them is considered as beautiful." It's also a fact that being slim was healthier than having an overweight body.

"But you don't?"

"I love eating most of the time. And right now that I'm pregnant, I have to eat for two people."

Soon, she will most probably gain weight and have stretch marks, if what the journals from the internet said was reliable.

"So... what have you concluded about me?" Liz asked, changing the topic from food and pregnancy.

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