Chapter 14

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[Y/N] groaned softly as the knife glided across her stomach, red blood bubbling beneath the blade as it sliced across her skin. She felt as though there was no more fight left in her body - it had been a full forty-eight hours since she had been taken from the college by the unsub. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to fight for her life, but she simply did not have the energy to do so.

There was dry blood on her face, dripping down her forehead from where she had been tossed onto the ground, her lip busted open from being repeatedly hit by the unsub. Things just weren't looking great for her at the time being. She had hope, though, hope that her team would find her.


Aaron was losing his mind, but trying to keep himself calm and collected. He knew it had been a bad idea to send [Y/N] out into the field undercover, he knew that it was way too risky and she didn't have the experience necessary for the job she went out to do. However, he was the Unit Chief and had to keep it together in order to keep his team from losing their minds, as well. It's bad enough that he already had to take Spencer out of the field, the young genius was beside himself for losing his sister to the unsub at the college.

"Garcia, have you got anything on the girl?" Aaron asked into the phone in the conference room, it was on speaker with the rest of the team surrounding it.

"I really wish I did. But there's no land in this girl's name, no apartments, no leases, nada. She's like some kind of ghost. It doesn't make sense though, because she does have an address on file with the college, but it's registered to.... Not her. It's registered to our first victim. I'm sending it to your phones now." Garcia said to the team, quickly sending the address to them. Everyone got ready, making sure their guns were locked and loaded, and that their vests were strapped on tightly before they rushed to the SUVs to go and save [Y/N].

Aaron felt like a ball of anxiety had settled in his stomach. It felt like the situation with Haley all over again. Like he was racing against the clock again, that he wouldn't be able to save her again. Except, this wasn't Haley. This was [Y/N]. The girl he wanted to protect - no, the girl was /needed/ to protect.


[Y/N] let out the softest whimper, blood sputtering out of her mouth as the woman punched her in the face again, her head lolling to the side as she looked up at the girl. She had been getting beat relentlessly for the past twenty minutes. The girl that was torturing her was going on about how [Y/N] hadn't deserved the position in the program, that her paper was far better than the other girls that got in - the girls she had ended up killing.

"You... just... weren't... good... enough." [Y/N] breathed out shakily, watching as the fire raged in the unsubs eyes, earning [Y/N] a harsh blow to her ribs which absolutely knocked the wind out of her.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch!" The girl screamed, grabbing the knife once more before she moved towards [Y/N]. [Y/N] shut her eyes tightly, preparing for impact before she heard a familiar voice.

"FBI, drop the weapon!" Spencer shouted, his voice sounded deathly as the girl grabbed [Y/N], placing the blade to her throat. [Y/N]'s eyes widened as she watched the rest of the team step into the room, taking their places to surround [Y/N] and the unsub, all except Aaron. She felt the blade press harder against her skin, causing blood to begin to drop down her pale neck.

"Come closer and I swear to God I'll slit her stupid throat!" The unsub screamed, making a show of bringing the blade across her neck just slightly.

However, what [Y/N] didn't count on was Aaron sneaking in through the back door, he didn't have a clear shot.. But he knew that something had to be done to save [Y/N]'s life. In a split second decision, Aaron had grabbed the unsub from behind, grabbing her a headlock as he fought to get the girl away from his agent. It all happened so quickly, the unsub raised the knife towards [Y/N] and Aaron, on instinct, jerked his arms that were around her neck in opposite directions.

The room fell silent at the loud crack that came after, [Y/N] immediately scrambling away from Aaron and the now dead woman, tears forming in her eyes as she looked back at them. He had just snapped that girl's neck. To save [Y/N]. He killed someone to save her life. [Y/N] felt incredibly faint, the only thing stopping her from hitting the ground was Spencer picking her up before quickly taking her out of the room, outside of the house and to the paramedics where she would be transported to the hospital.


There were multiple stitches [Y/N] had to get, and a few re-fractured ribs she would have to live with, on top of her mild concussion. She laid in the hospital bed, her eyes closed as Spencer held her hand. He hadn't left her side since he carried her out of the house, and so far, he had been the only one allowed to be with her.

It was a few hours later that the team was allowed in, the entirety of them squeezing into the little hospital room with [Y/N], all telling her how glad they were that she was okay.

"Thank you guys... For finding me. Saving me. All of it," She said meekly, offering them a small smile. "I think I need some sleep though.., I'm so tired," she sighed shakily, running a hand through her unruly hair. "You guys should go and get some sleep, too. I get discharged in the morning, you all can come pick me up and personally deliver me to the jet," she teased, earning a smile from her team as they all said their goodbyes and left. She looked towards her brother, frowning. "You, too, stupid," she told him, squeezing his hand lovingly.

"Not a chance in hell. I already lost you once. And mom might kill me if I do it again," he shrugged, looking down at her.

"Fine. Can you go find me some water and lime jell-o since you insist on staying?" She smiled softly, her smile turning to a triumphant grin as he nodded at her request, kissing her forehead before he left the room to go find what she had requested.

[Y/N] sighed happily and closed her eyes, relaxing into her bed before the memory of Aaron and the unsub resurfaced, the girl shivering as she recalled the sound of the unsubs neck-snapping. She heard the door open and she opened her eyes expecting to see Spencer returning, but her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Aaron enter her room.

"Hotch, I-" He stopped her mid-sentence.

"[Y/N]. You had this team worried to death. You had /me/ worried to death. And frankly, I just got... my ass chewed out by Dave for not addressing this earlier. What is going on between us is... not professional. It hasn't been since day one. I don't just... do what I did to that unsub for anyone. Of course, I would take any action necessary to keep my team safe. But the last time I had this type of reaction to someone in danger was my ex-wife... and I beat the man that killed her to death. I don't know if you're quite catching on to what I'm saying, seeing as you have a head injury, but... [Y/N], I can't tiptoe around this anymore. I like you, and I would like to pursue this with you. If by chance, I've read your signals wrong, I implore you to go to Strauss and report me for workplace harassment, but I need to let you know how I feel. You've made me feel things I haven't felt in years." He completed his sight monologue by wiping his hand over his face, shaking his head as his eyebrows furrowed, refusing to look at the girl in the hospital bed that was currently taking in all the information that had just been dumped on her.

"A-... Aaron..." She spoke softly, reaching for his head before tugging him down to her level. "Any man willing to kill someone to save my life can certainly try at a relationship with me," she whispered before gently grabbing his tie, tugging him down so that their lips met softly, his hand coming to rest on her cheek gently. The two of them couldn't help but to smile, the young agent being the first to pull away, resting her forehead against his. "We... should keep this quiet for a bit though... Spencer might actually kill us," she laughed sweetly, her smile widening as she heard Aaron genuinely laugh, nodding in agreement as he kissed her again.


The next morning, everyone boarded the plane, [Y/N] taking her normal spot next to Spencer in the chairs before she wrapped a blanket around herself carefully. She looked up, hiding a small smile as she made eye contact with Aaron before she snuggled up, leaning her head on her brother's shoulder as she positioned herself in a way that wouldn't tug at her stitches or hurt her ribs anymore. She closed her eyes, actually feeling content for once as she fell asleep, despite what had the week before had brought her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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