dreamcatcher-Jeon Wonwoo

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Credit to smthingabtlove

"So," she started, looking down at him over thinly rimmed glasses. "What was it about this time?"

Wonwoo stared up at the chalky, white ceiling, laying on the cot motionless. His face was blank, lacking any hint of emotion; his eyes were cold and dead, void of the fiery flames that had danced in them a few months ago. He had purple eye bags hanging under his eyes and chapped, pastel lips, signs that he clearly wasn't taking care of himself. His face also looked hollow, evidence that he had been skipping meals.

He willed his mouth to open, only to close it without any idea of what to say.

His therapist, Dr. Aleia, scratched something onto her clipboard, sighing, "Let's start at the beginning, okay? Who and when?"

"It was the day we went stargazing," Wonwoo hoarsely replied immediately, his deep voice vibrating in his chest. "I think it was around a year ago, I'm not really sure."

Dr. Aleia nodded, hopping off of her chair and dragging it with her so that it was next to Wonwoo's body. "I want you to close your eyes," she murmured in a low voice. "Go back into your dream and tell me what happened? Where did it go wrong?"

Before the doctor could even finish, Wonwoo's eyes were already falling shut, his conscience disassociating from his body. He started losing feeling of his body, allowing himself to relax and dream once again. The feeling had started to become second nature to him after all the sessions he had.

Just this time, he thought, This'll be the last time.



"Wonwoo?" a mellifluous voice trickled into Wonwoo's eardrums.

When Wonwoo opened his eyes, he wasn't in the doctor's office anymore. Instead of the dimmed lights and standard hospital chemical smell, a warm, bright light flooded his vision paired with the delicate sweet smell of flowers. He groaned and sat upright, blinking furiously at the bright light. Wonwoo stared at the scenery before him; he was sitting in a field of life, one full of wildflowers and tall grass. His mouth fell open in astonishment and wonder, the colors were so bright, it almost felt... real.

Wonwoo felt a tapping sensation on his arm, causing him to turn towards another person. He gulped and swallowed anxiously.

"Woo? You fell asleep, haha, I went to get us some lunch."

Wonwoo dazedly nodded, eyes following her as she bent over to set down a bag of food. Even after the countless sessions he had, Wonwoo couldn't get over the authenticity of his dreams. He could smell the tartness of sweets and the freshness of vegetables wafting out of the small paper bag's opening. The warmth of the sun's rays enveloped him in a pleasant aura and suddenly, Wonwoo couldn't help the deep yearning aching in his chest.

Wonwoo hesitantly tried shifting his weight to one arm, finding out, pleasantly, that he had full control over his limbs, from the sinews in his forearms to the small nerves in his fingers.

"Are you going to eat anything?" she asked, blinking innocently in the afternoon sunshine.

Wonwoo couldn't help but let his gaze linger on her, his brain kept telling him that it was only a dream, a figment of his imagination, but Wonwoo couldn't help his dancing heart.

It had been so long.

He nodded, a smile gracing his features. His mouth moved on its own accord, "Sure, what're we doing after this again?"

She giggled and Wonwoo felt his heart pirouette. "Silly you, we're going stargazing, remember? Isn't that the whole reason we drove all the way to the countryside?"

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