the most beautiful thing- Choi Seungcheol(S.Coups)

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Credit to grassywoozi

Seungcheol couldn't put his feelings for you into words.

It was the constant mumble-jumble of feelings pouring past his lips that made him realize how deeply in love he was with you. It was the small fluttering sensation he had while looking at you. It was the mere fact that you were by his side that had him remembering all the things that led up to where the both of you were now.

Glancing down at your sleeping form, Seungcheol allowed a small smile to grace his lips, a look of adoration unknowingly settling upon his face. There was something about seeing you laying there, peacefully cuddled into his arms, that pulled at his heart.

Seungcheol wasn't someone who believed in love at first sight because frankly, no such thing existed. Infatuation at first sight? Now that was something he could get behind. There wasn't much of a story at the beginning- nothing special at least. It was the usual: go on one of those stupid blind dates Jeonghan had set up, meet with the person (which he had no intentions of bringing on a second date), and return home to the cold, familiar feeling of disappointment.

It had been some sort of rinse and repeat kind of thing. Nothing new, nothing special. As corny as it sounds, Seungcheol believed that his whole world got flipped upside down when he had agreed to another blind date set up by yours truly, Yoon Jeonghan.

"Trust me, they're great," Jeonghan said, a wide smile adorning his lips. Seungcheol scoffed. He had heard those words enough times to not believe the man seated across from him. Jeonghan's idea of 'they're great' always ended up being 'not great at all' in Seungcheol's book.

"Great as in 'let's get coffee once and never speak again' or 'get the fuck out of my face'?" Seungcheol questioned, aimlessly playing with the straw of his drink. A moment of silence passed before Seungcheol heard Jeonghan sigh, the screeching of a chair ringing through his ears. Looking up, he met the frowning face of the younger man, arms crossed and brows furrowed.

"Seungcheol, at least try going on a second date with this one, please. I'm begging you." he slapped his hands down in front of Seungcheol, startling the slightly older man.

"Chill...I'll see what I can do." Seungcheol looked away, a pout forming on his face. He heard yet another sigh leave Jeonghan's lips. Feeling a jutting feeling at his side, Seungcheol took a deep breath, deciding to suck it up and give in to his best friend.

"Fine, I'll take them on another date after, happy?" He glanced over to see the face of his best friend, the latter's face lighting up significantly.

"Really?" Jeonghan clapped his hands together happily. Stifling in a small laugh at his behavior, Seungcheol nodded.

"Good because holy shit, I'm sick and tired of seeing you all...lonely." He watched as Jeonghan gestured wildly at the other's sad physical state.

"I'm not even that lonely." Seungcheol let out a scoff, his mind betraying his physical appearance. Was he really that lonely? It wasn't obvious, was it?

Looking back, maybe it was obvious, not that Seungcheol minded. Maybe looking a tad bit lonely would ultimately lead to the end of that loneliness. Jeonghan was the push that he needed to finally get himself out of his comfort zone and into the world of relationships. Even now, thinking about being in a stable relationship scared him, the emotional risks still shaking him to the core.

Despite the growing doubt of finding "love", Seungcheol still went on that date, not expecting much besides a warm meal with some company. He toyed with the idea of just bailing on the date, perhaps sending a text to Jeonghan about how he was sick and not feeling well, but he ultimately decided against that.

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