one and two small petals II-Kim Mingyu

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Credit to tonicandjins

Mingyu didn't want you anymore.

Or at least, that's what you think.

It had been seven months since you and your star broke up, and you weren't even half a step in moving on. You were no longer crying over it, probably because you're ignoring everything you're feeling. From seeing him on billboards and hearing his voice on the radio, you just let things pass by you. You thought that if you could ignore it, it would just go away. But it hasn't.

It was mid-March when you saw Mingyu with another girl at the samgyeopsal house near their building. You cursed yourself for thinking that you could avoid him forever as long as you were careful. The place used to be yours and Mingyu's favorite place to eat. Not only was the place hidden and cheap, but also the old woman who owns the place adored the two of you. She used to welcome you inside the place and added more meat to grill on your plate. She always insisted on giving you a huge discount because she loved you both very much, so you and Mingyu made it a mission to leave a huge tip on her jar every time you went there. And you just missed the place so much; you felt like you needed to meet the old woman again.

And so you sent Seungcheol a text and asked them if they were around, and he replied that they were taking the day off because they just arrived from their trip to Japan. You promised him you'd see him after your errand (a lie; you just wanted to eat at the samgyeopsal house).

The old woman wasn't at the counter when you arrived; instead, a young man was in her place and welcomed you. But before you could even ask where the old woman was, you already heard his laugh. You could probably hear it within the radius of half a mile and recognize that it's his. You froze on your feet, couldn't move, and couldn't hear anything else besides his laugh.

The place was small, so when you turned to your right, you saw him-them. His back was facing you, and he was bending over the table, letting out strings of laughter with the woman in front of him. The woman was pretty-too pretty to be ordinary, so you assumed she was probably an idol or an aspiring one. And she was laughing with him. You noticed they weren't sitting on yours and Mingyu's favorite table.

"Miss?" the man asked, waking you up from your trance.

"I-I..." You couldn't even say anything, fearing that Mingyu might hear you. You didn't want him to see you in this situation.

And so you quickly walked out of the place, feeling bad about the polite man who worked there.

"Don't cry, don't cry," you whispered to yourself over and over again as you walked down the street. "Don't cry, please. Not here. Don't cry. Don't cry."

You didn't know where you were going. Your hands were shaking so much that you knew you couldn't possibly call for a taxi now. Cursing yourself for not applying for a driver's license, even when you knew how to drive, you let your feet take you to nowhere. You were just walking; you had already given up on stopping yourself from crying because it was all too much.

You only wanted to eat samgyeopsal-simple as that-but the universe couldn't give it to you.

This was your punishment for being selfish, for leaving him. The stars that lead you to Mingyu are giving you exactly what you deserve for not keeping him and treating him right. You couldn't escape him even when you tried so hard to ignore everything. You couldn't ignore this-this pulsating but at the same time throbbing pain in your chest. It's so excruciating that you could feel your heartstrings break and your entire body run out of life. And your heart has grown tired.

You wish you didn't love him this much.

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Mingyu doesn't think he will ever be capable of moving on from you.

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