lean on me-Hansol Vernon Chwe(Vernon)

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Credit to tonicandjins

Chwe Hansol knew how bad he was at drinking. Along with the fact that his alcohol tolerance was as low as a high school student drinking his first shot of soju on his eighteenth birthday party, Hansol knew he was shit at hangovers. Not only did Hansol himself know about his shitty alcohol tolerance, but his best friends did as well. Seungkwan could still recall the night of Mingyu's birthday party when the boys decided to drink until dawn, and to say that the boy is terrified and scarred to death when it comes to Hansol drinking would be an understatement. The boy took off his pants and cried about feeling so hot inside the bar. And it was a difficult task to get him to go home because he wouldn't get inside the taxi for he was scared of getting abducted by aliens pretending as taxi drivers. From that horrible and embarrassingly painful night on, Seungkwan swore to never be in the same place as Hansol and alcohol. But none of these known and obvious details stopped the latter from taking drink after drink on his best friend's birthday party-yours.

You were finally turning twenty, and although the age difference between you and your best friend was only a couple of months, that didn't stop him from treating you like a baby and acting like a man-whatever that meant. The party was intimate to say the least; you just had food made and delivered for your convenience and liters of alcohol to satisfy yours and your friends' craving of a chill and fun night at the apartment you shared with two of your friends. It was a Friday night, which made the entire thing better because no one had to worry about going to class hangover in the morning, and everyone decided to ditch the usual party scene with dancing and loud music, instead, everyone's cramped inside your small living room, playing cards and play station, drinking the night away with Jihoon's playlist playing faintly on the background.

"I told you, Y/N," Seungkwan called while you were busy refilling the bowls of chips with Wonwoo in the kitchen. "I told you not to let Hansol drink. I'm leaving."

"Seungkwan, stop nagging. It's Y/N's birthday." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

You let out a small laugh and replied, "Just let him drink Seungkwan. He's been depriving himself of alcohol because you kept on ditching our nights out and reiterating that you're never coming with us if Hansol and alcohol are in the same place."

"He should deprive himself of alcohol!" he bellowed. "That punk! I'm going to find a new roommate. You should take him in, since you can tolerate his drunk ass."

"I can't tolerate his drunk ass," you snorted, hauling two bowls in your arms as the three of you walked back to the living room.

"We have snacks again!" Wonwoo called, taking the bowls to Jihoon and Joshua, who were in the middle of an intense game of NBA.

"Then at least let him stay the night here," Seungkwan begged. "I'd rather sleep alone than take care of him. He's a mess. You know that. Please have mercy on me."

"You sound like Hansol turns into an insane person when he's-"

You were interrupted by the sound of your roommate shrieking, along with a thump that sounded a lot like your newly bought shoe rack disassembling onto the floor. Seungkwan sighed when the two of you turned and saw Hansol lying on top of the rack and your disarrayed shoes, laughing about probably something dumb, a bottle of alcohol on his grip.

"You're right," you groaned. "I don't want him. You take him home. You're his roommate."

Seungkwan gasped as you two walked towards the boy. "You're his best friend! I thought you two were in it forever, no matter what happens?"

"We said that when we weren't sure if we were going to the same university," you mumbled. "The promise doesn't include taking care of him when his drunk ass is laughing at something dumb."

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