turn back time-Wen Junhui(Jun)

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Credit to grassywoozi


That was the only thing he could describe the sensation he was feeling at that current moment. Flashes of white filled his vision as he felt his body slowly fall into an endless void of nothing. The loss of air in his lungs caused him to let out a gasp, his hands desperately grasping around the faint wisps of smoke around him.

He was done for.


The pulsing rays of the sun beat down on his body, the soft blowing of the wind pillowing through the tall grass around him. Confused, Jun stood up and looked around, eyes squinted against the brightness. The field around him was scattered with small budding flowers, the soft buzz of bees jumping to and from each blossoming nub of pollen.

He knew this place like the back of his hand. Peering across the open field, Jun slowly made his way through the grass, eyes focused on a small house on the border of the woods, a broken stone path leading the way into the canopied darkness.

"Jun!" a shrill voice called out behind him. Alarmed, Jun snapped his head back, the familiar voice calling for him. The scene of a much younger you running towards the similarly younger body of himself unfolded in front of him, a small gasp leaving his lips. Ducking under the cover of the grass, Jun peered through the pale yellow stems.

"Y/N! You really came!" the voice of his younger self reaching his ears. The sight of the two small forms colliding into each other's arms sent a warm tingling feeling through Jun's body, spreading slowly and from his head to the very tips of his toes. Smiling softly to himself, he comfortably settled himself between the blades of grass and watched as the former bodies of you and him frolicked around, hands safely intertwined together.

She hasn't changed at all.

"We'll meet here again tomorrow, right?" your voice crept up to Jun's ears, causing his heart to ache. He watched carefully as the younger Jun softly grabbed your shoulders and planted a sloppy kiss on your cheek.

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" he said, eyes bright and beaming with joy. A small giggle left your lips as you happily skipped away, your silhouette disappearing into the forest. Jun looked over to himself, a frustrated look quickly replacing the cheery one he wore in front of you.

You didn't meet her again.

Suddenly, Jun felt himself get pulled down, the ground swallowing his body up and enveloping him in darkness. The silence of the void was suffocating, the guilt and regret seeping into his bones as he recalled the happiness you radiated all those years ago, expecting to see him again. He remembered thinking about you night after night, day after day, longing to see you again.


The feeling of the moon radiating her brightness was what shook Jun's eyes open. Glancing up, he was met with the sight of the starry night, the soft shifting of the trees creating a gentle rustle, breaking the former silence.

Groaning, Jun got up and looked around, a wave of dread washing over his body, his heart slowly sinking down into his stomach, the weight of the guilt dragging him down. Sure, he already knew what was going to happen, but he hated remembering this very moment. You had told him multitudes of times about this occasion, never forgetting a single detail.

You had brushed this event off as a joke, but he knew better. He knew how lonely you felt that night. How much you wanted him to come find you, curled up in a ball, legs tucked in against your chest. From a distance, he could already see your small form, already in said position, body gently rocking back and forth.

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