Like in the movies-Kwon Soonyoung(Hoshi)

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Credit to moneymingyu

Hoshi has always had this romanticized version of himself playing in the back of his mind.

The cool dude next to the jukebox with a leather jacket who flips a coin then plays the soundtrack to his life. The guy who you spill coffee all over in a Seattle coffee shop then exchange numbers as a form of an apology. The best friend you ask to fake date before realizing he's been the one for you since day one. The enemy to lover, the boy next door, the childhood best friend you reunite with after years of separation. He partly blames it on all of the movies he watched growing up. A guilty pleasure of his has always been romance movies that he'd watch deep into the night when everything was still and calm. His favorites were the kinds that had him struggling to keep his hiccup at bay, the kinds that made him cry so hard that he'd wake up the next day with swollen eyes and a headache.

"Aren't you tired of these movies?" Jihoon, his long time best friend and roommate, would ask.

"Never," Hoshi would reply, unashamed.

He's seen them all. The Notebook, More Than Blue, The Names of Love, Love Actually. Hoshi can quote them line by line with the same blocking. His friends think it's impressive but Jihoon is tired of walking into the kitchen at 2AM just to see a Broadway musical in place.

So you'd think that somebody who is basically a book smart Romeo would have a better dating history but...Not Hoshi.

Look. It's not Hoshi's fault he's so awkward. He didn't ask for the lonely life! The lonely life chose him! So what if romance movies are the only way that he can feel butterflies in his stomach. Whose business is it other than his own?

"Hey Hosh! Remember that time freshman year your crush asked you to the spring fling and you responded by doing a tiger growl at them?"

"Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!" Jun covers his face, bursting into giggles at Jihoon's trip down memory lane. "He got called a furry for the rest of the year!"

"Oh yeah? And who sat and ate lunch with said furry for the rest of the year?" Hoshi crosses his arms. "Till the day, you're still eating lunch with the said furry!" A few head turn their way, giving the table an incredulous look. Hoshi sinks in his chair, silently wishing that the floor open and swallow him hole.

"Well maybe that's because said furry is paying today," Wonwoo smirks, swiping a fry from Hoshi's plate.

"Aw, not you too!" Hoshi pouts. "Wonwoo, I put all my faith into you and this is what I get? Slander like a salamander?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Jun (who, in Hoshi's opinion, has said way more questionable things) asks with raised eyebrows.

"Nevermind. It sounded better in my head." Hoshi sighs, pressing his fingers to his temples.

"C'mon Hoshi," Wonwoo leans his head on his shoulder. "You know I was kidding. I would sit with you even if you were a real furry."

"Can we stop talking about furries?!"

"Yo. What do you got against furries? We don't kink shame around here."

"Jun, if you say one more thing, I'm going to do an eagle screech right here."

"That's not really helping with the furry situation," Jun mumbles under his breath.

Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.


"I'm sure somebody likes you, Soon!" Seungkwan offers. "What about the dance studio? Lots of potential there," he shimmies his shoulders while Dokyeom nudged him from the other side of the couch.

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