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-Hi! Welcome to my first ever FanFic! Thank you for choosing to read my story. I strongly encourage you to type on paragraphs where they don't make sense or need to be changed because they're wrong spelling or use of words. The theme of this story was originally made my ashleywastakenfound so please go follow her and support her writes as well! Enjoy!

Waking up in London, smelling the rain and hearing the birds chirp from the open window in my small apartment is the best part of my day. After streaming for several hours at random times everyday, I decided to go on a break for myself  Although it was already 1:30 p.m., I made a bowl a cereal; CaptainCrunch of course, then for a little walk to get some groceries.
Stores are packed after the news of a new virus spreading around the entire world,
people are taking this too seriously. I thought to myself.
I wonder if Dream and Sapnap are worried about this virus as well, I must call them when I get home.

Dream and Sapnap have been my best friends for as long as I can remember. They make me feel happy and proud in the content I make with them. Dream is so funny, makes great content. He supports his friends, fans, and the community around him, there is no bad bone in his body even though I have no idea what his body or face looks like. Sapnap is funny, a cutie, has a potty mouth and never fails to make me laugh even when I'm mad at him for stealing something of mine in minecraft. Sapnap will always be my forever friend. But Dream, he just makes me feel some type of way that I don't know how to explain it, I dont know if it's just because we've been friends for so long it means he's a forever friend, or something stronger.
Or I'm just overthinking and being stupid.

After my little walk and got my groceries, I typed in the discord chat.
Hey wanna chat for a little bit? Catch up on future video ideas and talk about this new Virus?
Sounds like a plan to me :)
Only if I get to see your cute face Gorge ;)

God he's so weird.

I joined the call and Dream was already in waiting for me, sounds excited to get more content up for his channel.
"Hey Dream! What's new?"
"Oh nothing much, just half the world freaking out and thinking they're going to die from going to Walmart. What about you?"
"Same here, not as chaotic as you sound but still worried. Where's sapnap?"
"I dont know, must be going to the bathroom or getting snacks" Dream let's out a soft chuckle, which makes me chuckle as well. I feel that feeling as my cheeks start to flood red in the face cam hoping Dream doesnt notice but what do I know, I can't see his face!
Sapnap finally joins and we talked about manhunts, what we feel on the virus and any new love in our life, we're all still single and lonely. At least we have each other, right?

The call ends and I'm thinking of all the possible outcomes this virus can lead to.
What if it's so bad in London I have to leave?
Or Quarantine?
What if I get the virus?
How will I get groceries when stores are closing?
"I'm too stressed to think about this, why do we just see how much a one-way ticket to America is, go vist my best friends I've never met before, before I can never leave my country ever again. How does that sound George?"
I clicked on a one-way ticket to Miami to see that they're closing all Flights across seas next week.

"I cannot believe I just bought a ticket to see someone I've never met or even seen his face before just for shits and giggles"

I texted Sapnap immediately,
I just bought a one way ticket across seas to Miami Florida...
No way.... I was thinking the same thing.
I dont even know what Dream looks like! Oh god we have to tell him now!
You just did :) see you in a couple of days !!!

*Goodness this is so short but I'm ending it here, thank you so much for reading all the way through! Let me know if you want me to keep continuing with what I have or should I switch it up a bit? Follow me for more :) <3*

769 words

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