Wake Up!

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"Goodmorning sleepy head! Hey Dream was he sleep talking?"

Dream wheezed and just shook his head. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as Sapnap and Dream settle into another empty room. I dont know why I didn't hug him like I hugged Dream....

Jeesh i'm starving, I hope Dream has eggs, I could totally go for some eggs right now

Looking though Dreams fridge to see it loaded with groceries, he's not messing around with everything closing. I grab 3 eggs, cheese, and a pan to make a cheese omelet before streaming for a little bit. No one knows we're all together at Dreams place so I hope our rooms are sound proof or we don't scream, our fans are too smart to recognize outside sounds on streams. Anyways the eggs were okay, I couldn't find the salt and pepper and didn't want to bother the guys while setting up Sappy and mines beds. I also got more eggs for the other guys.

"I hope you like your eggs scrambled because that's what I made for our pre-stream snack!"

Sapnap ran out, grabbed his plate and ran back to his room, weird I thought. Dream just walked out and smiled at me while cleaning up my mess.

"Hey can I ask you something?"
I froze as I felt Dream staring at me while I was facing away from him
"Yea what's up?"
"Why didn't you hug Sap like you hugged me? I just thought it was weird that you were more excited to see me than just as excited to see both of us. I dont know it's stupid"
"Dream.... uhm...... I'm not quite sure why I only hugged you. I mean I did just wake up after a long flight, didn't feel like getting up right away."
"Oh, that's okay it was a stupid question anyway. I'm going to go start my stream now, I'll be in discord."

Why was he so curious?


George is asleep on me, his head is on my lap. I have to get up in a couple of hours before I have to go pick up Sapnap, so I guess i'll just watch Cat in the Hat by myself.
Finally meeting George in person is making me more nervous that he'll find out that I'm not one hundred percent straight. I just hope Sapnap big mouth won't tell him anything. I mean I know he's straight and I don't want things to be awkward between us so I'll just keep quiet for now. I take a picture of George and send it to Sapnap.
*1 attachment : photo*
Look at this cutie alseep on my lap, what do I do now? Do you think it's a sign? Or do you think he's just too tired to sleep sitting straight up?
Dream, you're thinking about it too much, he's just tired, let him sleep until you have to come get me from the airport :)
You're right, I'm just nervous that he'll find out somehow, just don't say anything?
Mouth is locked such bæ ;)

"George, I gotta go get sapnap from the airport, wanna come with me?"
"mmmmh, no"
I've never heard Georges raspy voice before, it made me get goosebumps as if he were whispering in my ear. I get up, grab my keys and leave to the airport. Sapnap knows what I look like so this won't be as fun as it was picking George up. Airport is dead again, Sapnap is one of the few that was on the plane. He had 2 more bags than George.

Him and his clothes and shoes man, he's still super cool.

Bags were light, drove home to George sleeping still, I carry Sapnap bags to his new empty room across
the hall from George and mines room.
I walk out to see George finally getting up and Sapnap going to his new room, I follow to help him set up his PC and his bed since I didn't get that done before they arrived.

"Did you say George hugged you when he saw you for the first time?"
"Yea? That's what best friends do when you have never seen them before. Why?"
"He never gave me a hug...."
"Seriously? Do you want me to go talk to him?"
"No it's fine, I just thought he'd be more exited to see me."

George said something about eggs and that they're scrambled? I walk past Sapnap that is running to his room with his food. I ask George why he didn't hug Sapnap, and he just said he was too tired in the moment. I sounded too sus, he's going to find out. I'm screwed. I'm going to go steam now

-Time skip to 3:16 a.m.-

"Well I'm pooped guys, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Dweamy and Gogy! I love you *kiss*"
"Goodnight Sappy"
"Goodnight Sapnap"

Sapnap left the discord, George and I were alone again.

"So uh Dream, have you met any pretty single ladies lately?"
"George, obviously not with being stuck in the house for a week"
"I meant in like the past 2 months, we really never get to talk personal life anymore."
"Why don't you come in my room and we talk about it?"
"Can we in the morning? I'm actually super tired as well, I'm sorry."
"Oh, dont't be sorry I get it. Sleep good George."
"You too."

I was so tempted to walk into George's room, but it's only night one of god knows how many nights because they're stuck here now. I just went to bed as well.

So Dream, is there something you wanna tell your fans....?

945 words

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