Guys Night Out (pt. 3, Geores POV)

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(tw// drugs, alcohol, throwing up)
2 days until Ashley is flown out

Clay told me I should take this drug, I held it in my hand for a little bit. Fiddling it in my palm, debating if I should take this.

It's just a pill right?
No.... it's an addictive drug George you can't take this!
But Clay told me to take it.... do I trust him?
Yes I trust Clay, more than me whole life....
Do it George!
But I-

"Okay, let's do it together."

Clay looked shocked at my response, reassuring me that I don't have to take it if I really don't want to. We agreed to take it together on three.


The car ride was about an hour, maybe more I couldn't tell because after an hour of taking the pill it hit me like a rock. Things moved in slowed motion for a bit, then spun around like I was on a rollercoaster.

It made me feel sick.

The club was oddly full. Clay was talking to his cousin about getting in, Nick was too worried about covid from how long the line was. We walk in, getting out temperature taken before going up the stairs. I stayed quiet because if I talked, I would for sure throw up.

Finally sitting down I realize how hungry I actually am, but even more thirsty. Clay says the chicken tenders are the best here, I was craving a greasy burger. Nick got an alcoholic beverage and I swear to god, my mouth just ordered a drink for me.

Strange, but I just went along with it.


Food was amazing, I never shoved food down my mouth so fast.

It's very loud in here

"Is if just me, or is it extremely loud in here..?!"

Clay said something but I couldn't even hear what he said, from the small lighting in the booth alone Clay's face looked hilarious. He was so focused on me I couldn't help but laugh.

A giggle turned into a laugh, then developed into a wheeze. Nick looked over at Clay, who still had that look on his face, concerned on what I was laughing at.

"Can I get another one of these?" holding up my glass.

My drink is completely gone, I don't even remember drinking all of it. Nick claims that i'm drunk, but I dont know if I am.


Two large empty glasses are in-front of me, Clay and Nick are looking at me in disbelief.

"George where'd you learn that?"
"Collage.... Who wants to go dance!!"


Before I know it i'm up and walking towards the dance floor.

Am I drunk? Why can't I control my body?

The dance floor has multiple people grinding on one another, looking desperate for the sense of touch.

Including me.

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