Date (part 1)

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while for posting. I'm trying to figure out my mental health and fix it if possible. Let's just say highschool sucks and don't expect to be friends with everyone you meet! Yea it sucks but it's highschool :(
I'm making this part into 2 parts because I just feel like it's going to be long and VERY DETAILED so be ready for the next two "chapters." Also follow me on twitter for more updates on this series @ Kenslaa

-Time skip to a month after being quarentined with Dream and Sapnap, George's POV:

Dream and I planned our fake date once places start opening up, but it looks like places just keep closing. Ashley and I still talk but a lot, I'm not even sure if I actually like her. We only met a month ago and I feel like my friends don't like her so I mean I have to side with them, theyre all I have. I should probably ask them what they think about her, and whatever they say I shall do. I should also ask Dream about our "Date." I think we should just cancel because like I said, if my friends don't like her, then I dont.

I'm just overthinking, dont be a pussy George and go ask them.

"Hey guys, can I ask you both a question?"
Why am I so nervous? It's just a question, nothing serious!

"Oh course, what's up gogy?" Sapnap says while doing collage homework. Dream is loading the dishwater but has his head turned as he is listening to what I have to say.

"What do you think about Ashley? Be as honest as you can be please."

"I think she's good for you, even though I've never met her."
"She seems cool, what's up George?"
"I dont know, I just feel like I never got your approvals on her and I don't want to be with her if both of you don't like her."
"Gogy I think you'll good! We both like her, right Dream?"

Dream is putting dishes away from the dishwasher and he just froze, slowly stood straight up and turned to look me dead in the eye just to say,
"Yea, we like her."
His eyes started to sparkle as he turned away, then walked over to bathroom and didn't come out for 20 minutes. Probably just had a stomach ache or something.

"What's wrong with Dream? Is he feeling okay?"
"I'm sure he's fine George, probably had a heavy lunch or something. Just give him space incase he doesn't feel good."
"C-can I go check on him in a little bit? I have to talk to him about our fake date. If he really doesn't like her, I'm going to cancel our date."
"w-what? why?"
"I mean, don't cancel. Dream is really good at relationships so you should take his advice."
"Oh, okay. I'm still going to talk to him though, just to make sure he's okay."

Dreams POV:

George is actually asking ME if I like this girl, how more obvious do I have to be? Everytime he goes to talk to her on Discord with us, I make an excuse to leave and do something. He's so slow, Sapnap even said it was obvious! God why can't things open up? I need this date to come faster. I need to tell George how I actually feel, seriously.

I hear a knock on my door and I try my hardest to hide my anger towards my feelings towards George. The door opens and guess who it was

"Dream? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just not feeling the best today."
"What's the matter? Are you sick? Did you get the virus? The flu?"
"George I'm fine, I just want to lay in bed all day."
I pull my covers over my shoulders and turn away. George sits on my bed and places his hand on my right arm.
"Dream, you know I'm always here for you right?"
As my anger starts to cool down, I sigh and say,
"I know, things have just been hard ever since we've been stuck inside for a month straight. I just need to get out of the house."
"Speaking of leaving the house, why don't we change our plans for our fake date?"
"What do you mean change our plans?"
"Can I try to plan the date? Sapnap said he would help me with activities to do that are open."
"I.... I mean yea you can since you're the guy going out with a girl, a guy should plan the things before the girl right?"
"I dont know that's why I'm asking you Dream."
"George, I dont care, a girl or a guy can plan dates! Just be ready for the unexpected, I clearly was not!"

George laughed a little bit which made me turn over to look at him and smile. I see him shiver a little bit.

"George? Are you cold?"
"Uh, maybe. All my hoodies are in the wash right now and it's freezing in your apartment."
"Do you need a sweatshirt for the day? I have a bunch of my merch in my closet."
"Would you mind?"
"Of course not, here let me get you one."

I get up and realize that it is pretty cold in as I'm only in sweats and no shirt. I can feel George staring at me as I get up to grab my favorite sweatshirt to give to George. As I turn around to see George scanning up at my upper body. I look down and smirk as I walk up to George on my bed with his legs cris crossed.

"How about this George?"
He slips it over his head, pulls it down and looks up towards me,
"Its quiet big, would you say?"
"That's what she said."

I start to laugh so hard I wheeze a little, George's mouth dropped in laugher as I said that and we just laughed for a bit.

George's POV
I never realized how muscular Dream is. He looks, hot? What? Why did I just think that? I mean it's true...? What? Oh no, he caught me staring at him.
Dreams sweatshirt was quiet big, it smelled so good I dont think I will give it back.
George what the hell are you thinking right now?

"Thank you Dream, oh also one more thing."
"What's up George?
"Can I start calling you.... Clay?"
"Oh uhm..... yea sure why not. I mean just call me Dream when we're on stream okay?"
"Okay, thank you Dre- I mean Clay."
"You're welcome George."
"One more thing, hehe..."
"What now?"
"Be ready at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, dress cozy incase the weather is bad and bring a swim suit jussst incase..."
"Oh god...."


1150 words

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