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*Hey guys I just realized i've been spelling GEORGE WRONG in the first part so i'm so sorry about that LOL, anyways I hope you're still enjoying this! If you don't like any endings or the way things seem like the boys wouldn't like it please comment on it so i can republish the chapter! much love and thanks - kensla*

Oh no. Twitter knows. How? Did I get hacked? Fuck.

I wake up around 10:57 a.m. and Sapnap is already awake in the shower, George is out cold. I go to make some breakfast for myself because I have no idea what the guys like to eat for their meals we'll have to go shopping again for snacks and pre-meals for later in the week. I hear a strange high pitched sound coming from the bathroom, I walk over and hear Sapnap singing Falling by Harry Styles

Wow big heart break huh Sap

I have to admit, Falling is my simp song. George wakes up from Sapnap singing and comes into the kitchen as I'm eating Captain Crunch cereal.
"Captain Crunch! Do you have any left?"
"I ran out this morning.... just kidding! I got 3 more boxes in the left cabinet next to the fridge."
"Thank god! Thank you"
"Anything for George"

- George POV -
Anything for George? What does that mean?
I'm starving so let's forget about it
I believe I ate around 2 and a half bowls of cereal, the eggs really didn't fill me up from last night. Last night. Why Dream want me to go in his room?"
Dream must be one of those friends that understands facial features instead of voice tones, otherwise why would he ask me to go to his room?
Whatever I thought
Sapnap finally came out of the shower, Dream got up to go shower after I think? I dont know I was too focused on Twitter and how the fans found out we were all together so fast.

"Sapnap, how did we get such smart fans? They found out we are all together off of last nights stream!"
"I dont know, maybe because you're so loud that they heard you yelling through mine or Dream's microphone!"
"I'm sorry! I don't appreciate you killing me all the time."
"You know I still love you Gogy"
Sapnap let's out a smile and walks away to clean his room. Dream came out of the shower after 3 minutes of being gone, his hair was all wet dripping down and leaving wet spots on his grey shirt. He looks ripped in that tight shirt, if only I was that strong, who knows what I would be capable of!
"Why do you take such quick showers?"
"Saves me money and more time to hangout with you guys."
Dream's smile is contagious
Why am I smiling? Why do I feel my cheeks getting warm? What's going on?
I return my dishes to the sink and go to my room, I change and go to edit my video for this weeks youtube video.

-time skip to after editing-

That took way too long, I should go play with the guys for a bit. I bet Dream misses me, why did I just think this? Only Sapnap is playing?
"Hey Sapnap"
"Hi Gogy"
"Where's Dream?"
"Taking a nap, didn't sleep well apparently. Wanna go on the Dream SMP world for a bit then go order pizza?"
"Sure, but please not Little Cesars"
"WHAT! Whatever."

- Dreams POV -
"Hey Dream, wanna play on the Dream SMP server? I got some things in mind for the server..."
"Hey, I didn't sleep the best last night, I think I'm going to take a quick nap."
"Dream it's 2 p.m.?"
"I'm sorry, ask George when he's done doing whatever he's doing."

I go lay down and shut my eyes when I see George come in and ask what I'm doing, and then walking out.
"wait... don't go."
"I- I'm sorry I thought you were awake, I- I'll just let you sleep."
"Come here."
"Come here, you obviously need something if you came in here in the first place."
"But, Dream you don't have many clothes on and I-"
"George just come here please."

George closes the door slowly and walks over to my bed. He sits down as he can't see because it's dark from my dark curtains covering my windows. As he sits I feel him cross his legs next to me as I sit up.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, it's very dark in here..."
"It's perfect on times like these when you're trying to sleep when it's bright out. And when I stay up all night playing with you when you were in UK time, I would always sleep during the day."
"Oh that's cool, Hey can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead."
"Well two things, one, can I call you Clay in person and Dream when we're playing together?"
"Yes and Yes, what's the other question?"
"Why have you been acting weird around me lately? Was it a mistake coming to America?"
"Of course not George! I just, I don't know... I want to be just as cool friends in real life than a video game."

Hearing George say my name gave me goosebumps all down my spine and arms. I love it

"You don't have to act different around me in person you know that right?"
"If I don't act different in real life then you'll know."
"know what?"
"Know what? you just said 'I'll know.' what will I know?"
"That I'm actually in love with you George. I never once pretended I wasn't in love with you, it was never an act. It was true affection."
"Clay.... I-"
"I get it, you're straight and I accept that, I just couldn't hold it in any longer."
"Clay. I..."

I turn away and turn my lamp on from my night stand. I feel George's eyes staring at me as I just exposed all my feelings for him in pitch black.
I'm so embarrassed.
I feel George's finger touch my arm and move up towards my shoulder. He crawls over and I feel a soft kiss on my neck.

"I never acted either."

my body froze, I let out a soft sigh of relief and smile. I turn to my right to see George staring at me, smiling ear to ear and a small chuckle comes out.
I knew it all along
"What took you so long to tell me? I knew from the way you would talk to me when we would play alone versus when we were with the guys."
"It was that obvious!"
"It was for me, not too sure about everyone else."

George got up to where he's standing in-front of me, I grab his hand and he holds my face while his thumb rubs my cheek. I let go of his hand and he holds my fave with both hands and bends down, I lean in as our lips were a millimeter away from touching...

I woke up.

Of course, a dream that will never become a reality.

I heard a scream come from George's room, I got up so fast forgetting that I barely have clothes on, open his door and see him standing on his chair looking down and seeing a Florida spider. A spider the size of a human hand. Sapnap is laughing as he's watching George through his stream and doesn't hear Dream open the door and laugh as well.

"Not funny guys! This is the biggest spider i've ever seen!"
"Don't worth I'll get it."
"Dream? Where are your clothes?"
"Uhm... I just woke up from my nap because you're screaming... I thought you got hurt or something so I came to check on you."
"Just come get this spider before I move out"
"You'll have to turn off your face cam..."

I wheeze and go grab a plastic container to pick the spider up and transport it outside. I still cannot believe the dream I just had. I'll have to tell Sapnap after I get this spider.
After safely returning the spider back outside, I go into Sapnaps room and tell him the entire story. He laughs at me because of how I thought it was real when it wasn't.
"Not cool man, dreams suck."
"I'm really sorry, who knows what the future holds, keep your head up KING!"
"Thank you, I'm going to stream for a bit."
"I'll come stop by in a bit. But first, can we talk about girls even though you don't like them?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"I think George is talking to a girl, I don't know for sure."
"Oh fuck."


1499 words

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