The Car Ride

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Hi!!!! Sorry for another long wait, I wanted to try and have twitter pick out this chapter but it didn't go so well haha! If I do this again... please follow me on twitter and be active!!! I might be a little annoying on there.... but I get to meet all you guys when you follow me! (yes I follow back :) ) ANYWAYS - I hope you like this chapter.... might need tissues I dont know yet....

George's POV:

I.... I almost kissed Clay...? Why? I'm straight? I'm so confused.... Why did that guy say something? And why was it so rude? Americans are rude George, it's not like home. Home. I miss home.... badly.

Walking back to Clays car was so awkward, I don't know what to say or feel after we just had a perfect day and it ended by getting called, "two gay guys." I thought this would be a perfect day out, with my bestfriend and just mess around... or so I thought.
Why did I flirt with him?  I like Ashley....
I'm so confused.
Getting into the car was even worse than walking ahead of Clay. I put my seatbelt on and laid my head on the top part of the seatbelt. Dead silent.
I dont know either to be mad at the guy who yelled at us, or be confused on why Clay.... never mind.
Clay gets into the car, puts on his seatbelt and doesn't start the car. He turns his head to look directly at me, but I can't look at him. I'm embarrassed.

"George, I'm so sorry... I... I dont know why I did that. I misunderstood this whole day and I ruined it. It's okay if you're mad at me, I just wanted to tell you i'm sorry."
"Clay, I...."
I let out a sigh as I dont know what to say to him.
"You didnt ruin anything, I.... I'm just...."

The silence after I said hurt me.

"Can we go home now?"
"Yea, sure George."

Clay started his car and we were on our way home.
I unclip my seatbelt and lay my seat down so I can sleep on the way back, Clay looks at me and says,
"George, I'd do anything for you, you know that? You're my bestfriend and I wouldn't change the world for that."
"Thank you Clay." I say as I'm falling asleep in my seat. I feel Clay's eyes looking at me, so I look back. He smiles at me for a good 3 seconds, I smile back and I look forward and....


Clay looks forward as he crashes 65 mph into 2 other cars infront of him on the highway. Clay looks over as I'm laying down without my seatbelt on and reaches his rights arm out towards me.

But fails to catch me

I feel my body ache as I fly across the highway roads.

"GEORGE!" was the last thing I heard.
Clays POV: 8 minutes before the crash
I for sure ruined the date. I manipulated George into wanting to kiss me, I'm so fucking stupid. There's no way we are going to have any more dates or hangout alone again. I looked at George a total of four times since we hit the road. Each time his seat slopes down about 2 inches. The fourth time he un-clips his seatbelt and stretches out.

This is the perfect time to tell him I'm sorry, he's half asleep and he'll tell me everything is okay even if it really isn't.
Does thank you mean the same as it's okay?
I look at George for the fifth trying to understand if he's truly okay. I smile and George smiles back, but looks away to say,


I look forward and slam into my breaks, I hit the person in-front of me who just crashed into the person in-front of them. I look over to see George fly up and out of his seat, I panic.

I reach out with my right arm to catch him so he wouldn't go through the windshield, but my sweaty hands didn't get a grip of him. George flew about 15 feet infront of my car then rolled for another 4 feet.

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