The Tower

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When they landed gently outside the massive School gates, Evelyn gasped. It was the most enchanting place she'd ever seen. Rafal looked at her awestruck face and gave her a smile that made her heart melt. She'd never felt like this about any man before. But she could tell Rafal wasn't like any man she'd met before. He was different. Cold, yet welcoming and comfortable. Intimidating, yet magnificent. And oh so handsome. His cold blue eyes, his snow coloured hair, his confident, velvety demeanour. And his voice. Oh, his voice made her want to . . . to . . . to faint. Yes, faint right into his arms. Was it possible she was falling in love? She went back to clinging on his every word. He pointed to a tall shadowy tower between the two schools. " That's where I live. " he said. Evelyn looked at him and tilted her head. " Why would you want to live there? " . He grinned at her. " Come on. I'll show you " . He put his arms around her waist again, and together they flew up to his tower. The interior blew Evelyn away. There was a carved wooden double bed, with red velvet curtains draped around it in one corner of the room. The walls were lined with bookshelves, each spine with the same intricate design. And in the middle of the tower was a desk with a large leather bound book on it. Hovering over the book was a pen, furiously scribbling on the first page. Rafal led her over to the desk and pointed to the title on the spine. It said, The Tale of Rafal and Evelyn . Written on the page was , " Once upon a time, a School Master sought out a young woman from a village called Gavaldon in the Endless Woods. Her name was Evelyn Sader. " . Rafal looked at her. " Evelyn Sader. That's a nice name. " . Evelyn blushed. He continued. " Remind me, your sister's name is . . ? " . "Vanessa. " she answered. " I also have a brother. His name is August. He's . . " . Evelyn paused, then lowered her voice. " He's a seer. He draws the visions he has on the walls of his bedroom. Mother and father don't tell anyone about it. They're ashamed. " . Evelyn looked at her feet, going red. She'd never told anyone that. Rafal must have sensed her embarrassment, because he put his arm around her. " Hey " he said softly. " I won't tell anyone. I promise. Now, how would you like to meet the faculty? " . Evelyn looked deep into his eyes. She could get lost in them. They were so beautiful. She came back to the present. " I'd love to. " she replied. Rafal crossed the room and picked up a mask. When he saw her confused expression, he laughed. " What's so funny? " she asked. He blushed slightly. " It's just, you look so cute when you're confused" he replied. She glowed. It was only after a few seconds that she realised some of the butterflies were flying off her dress. They circled Rafal, and one of them landed on his lips. He raised his eyebrows at her. " Don't look at me. Magic follows emotion. " he said, smirking flirtily at her. She grinned. " Oh and one more thing. Don't call me Rafal in front of the teachers. Ok? " . She smiled softly. " Sure, School Master. " . He took her hand and down they flew to the Clearing, followed by a fluttering of red butterflies.

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