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After spending an hour and a half with Gemma, Evelyn decided she should go home and see how Rafal-Japeth was doing. "This has been lovely, Gemma. I'll be sure to have you over so we can talk some more, but right now, I have to make sure Rafal-Japeth is ok." she said. Gemma smiled and answered, "I'll tell the boys to come in. Chaddick, Cedric! Say goodbye to Rhian!". The three boys wiped their feet on the rug and stepped into the kitchen. Cedric and Rhian shook hands, but Chaddick gave the young Sader Mistral a hug. Rhian looked stunned for a moment , before hugging him back. Chaddick stepped back and pressed something into Rhian's hand. "Give this to your brother. Tell him we're really sorry for frightening him." . Rhian nodded, and walked over to Evelyn. As they walked home, Evelyn asked her son, "What did Chaddick give you for Rafal-Japeth?" . Rhian held out his hand. It was a roll of craft tape, designed with snakes. Evelyn smiled. "He's going to love it, I'm sure.". Rhian looked at the ground for a moment, before looking back at her. "Mother, can Chaddick and Cedric come over to play sometime?" he asked. Evelyn beamed down at him. "Of course, darling. I'm glad you're making friends so easily.". Rhian matched her grin, and went skipping ahead. He got to the front door, and knocked. Why, Evelyn didn't know, since it was his house, but she supposed it was one of his adorable little quirks. Her other son came to the door, looking happier than she'd seen him since . . . Well, frankly she'd never seen him this happy. She kissed him on the forehead, and Rhian gave him the tape, before walking into the kitchen. "Did you have a nice time by yourself, hon?" she asked. "I wasn't by my- I mean, yes, mother, it was nice." he answered. Evelyn frowned slightly. What had he been going to say? She shook her head. It was probably nothing. She went to take her coat off, but then she heard Rafal-Japeth run into his room and open the window. She couldn't help sending one of her butterflies to hear what was going on. It felt so good to let them free again. She hadn't even thought about them since the twins had been born. She heard Rafal-Japeth say, "Will you come back tomorrow?" and another, purring voice said back, "Of course. What are friends for?" . "I- This is for you." babbled her son. "Thank you. No one's ever given me a gift before." answered the voice. Evelyn heard footsteps recede, and she quickly called her butterfly back. Rafal-Japeth came out into the hall, and he looked so pleased that Evelyn decided not to say anything. "Oh, by the way mother, I go by Japeth now. I've dropped the 'Rafal' part." . Evelyn was stunned. "I . . . Are you serious? Rafal was- is your father's name." . Japeth shrugged. "It didn't suit me." he said. "Your father is a brilliant man, and you think you can just renounce his name?" Evelyn whispered. Japeth's eyes looked more snake-like in that moment than all the spiriks in the Endless Woods. "I don't care if my father is the Schoolmaster." he said, smiling icily at her. He turned to join his brother in the kitchen, leaving Evelyn in the hall. How did he know? She'd never told them who their father was. There was no way he could know. Was there?

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