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After about twenty minutes, Evelyn stopped, sat on a log, and screamed. Strangely, she felt a sudden calm after her vocal outburst. She decided she was going to need to eat. She fashioned a wooden steak out of a stray branch, but every time she tried to kill a squirrel or rabbit, she thought about a young girl she'd met back at the school, Uma, and how she'd try to protect every creature within the grounds. Evelyn couldn't bring herself to do it. Frustrated, she marched back to her log and sat down huffily. Just as she was considering eating the suspicious looking berries she'd picked up earlier, she heard a voice. "Now what's a nice girl like you doing out here? I assume you didn't venture into the Endless Woods just to sit there and look pretty." A tall figure stepped out from the thicket, and the light made him look almost . . . Green? Evelyn stared at him for a moment. "Who are you?" she asked, leaning forward. The man smiled, and said, "I am the Green Knight, but you may call me Kay, if you wish.". Evelyn bit back a wave of tears. Rafal had said to her on the first day they met, "I'm the School Master, but you can call me Rafal" . This man, Kay, reminded her so much of him. Once she had her emotions under control, she said, "I'm Evelyn Sader, and no, I didn't come here to sit and look pretty, though I make it look easy. I . . . I ran away." . The minute the words were out of her mouth, she felt silly. The corners of Kay's mouth twitched upwards, and he came and sat on a tree stump across from her. "What from, might I ask? Monsters? Pointy swords? Stymphs?" he asked, smirking at her. She grinned back. "Stymphs are actually lovely, if you get to know them. And I'm running away from lots of things. People. My problems. Small talk." she answered. Suddenly, she felt a bout of nausea. She hunched over, her face losing all colour. She looked up at Kay and grunted. "One thing I forgot to mention; I'm pregnant, so don't be surprised if I pass out more than the average damsel in distress, ok?" she said, and passed out.

She woke up in the same place. She sat up, her back cracking. Kay was still there, to his credit, looking bored. She walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "You know, it's common courtesy for a man to help a woman into a more comfortable position if she's just fainted." she croaked, her throat sore from lack of water. Kay shrugged. "I tried, but your butterflies wouldn't let me anywhere near you. I realise how pathetic that sounds, but they're aggressive. Also, you 'passed out', not fainted. Therefore, there was nothing I could do. You look thirsty. Here, drink some of this, it'll make you feel better." he said, passing her a small flask filled with an orange liquid. She took it gratefully, and had sip. Her eyes widened. "What is this? It's delicious! Where did you get it? How is it made? What ..." but Kay held up his hand, grinning. "Whoa, slow down! It's called Orange Juice. You squeeze those citrus fruits, and add whatever natural sweeteners you can find." Evelyn threw her arms around him. "Thank you" . Finally, Evelyn thought. A friend.

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