Snake heart

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Years passed, and though time can heal, Evelyn only drifted further from her younger son. Rhian had stopped trying to smooth things over long ago. All these things, Evelyn thought about as she opened the front door and marched angrily in the direction of Gemma Gremlaine's house. She'd just been in another argument with Japeth. Rhian had Cedric and Chaddick over, and Japeth had tried to convince her to let him have Aric over, who he'd continued being friends with, despite Evelyn's warnings and threats. "No Japeth." she'd sighed. "But he's just like the Gremlaines, only he doesn't hate and fear me." he'd answered snarkily. "He's not like them. He's a monstrous devil with an idiot of a mother.". Japeth had glared at her. "Of course, you know all about being a monstrous devil and an idiot." he'd said, and started walking off. Evelyn had sent one of her butterflies after him. It landed on his back, so lightly he couldn't possibly have felt it, but a scim detached itself from his suit and killed her spy. Another five flew straight at her, pointed at her eyes, mouth and ears. They stopped seconds from killing her. "Keep your pests to yourself, mother" Japeth had said icily, not even turning around. Evelyn had then proceeded to march angrily out of the house. When she arrived at Gemma's house, she had barely greeted her friend when she said, "I'm leaving.". Gemma said nothing for a moment, before screeching, "WHAT?!". "I'm leaving Foxwood" Evelyn continued. "I can't . . . I can't go on like this. My son hates me. Do you understand that? He hates me. Despises me, even. He wants me dead. I don't feel safe in my own home. I'm going back to Rafal. I . . . I was hoping you could admit them to Arbed a year early. I know they're supposed to be seventeen, but I need to know they'll be safe. I don't trust the Mistral Sisters, and you're the only person I trust besides Rafal. Please, Gemma. I need you to do this for me.". Gemma bit her lip. "Fine. But I'll have to put them in separate dorms. They're the only ones I have." she sighed. Evelyn smiled at her. "Thank you, Gemma. I don't know what I would do without you.". Evelyn was feeling happy, relaxed for the first time in years. That was, until she opened her front door. Rhian was cowering behind Japeth with an obviously broken nose. Japeth had his teeth bared, skins flying all around his bloodied arms and torso. Chaddick spat out a mix of blood and teeth, glaring at the twins, his sword drawn. Cedric stood next to him, a look of pure fear-fuelled-rage on his face. Just as Chaddick lunged for Japeth, and Japeth released hundreds of scims, Evelyn sent a swarm of butterflies between them. "Stop!" she yelled. All four boys froze. Evelyn stared at Japeth. He was protecting his brother, risking his life for Rhian. "Chaddick, Cedric, go home." she said quietly. The Gremlaine's silently left the house, leaving Evelyn standing in front of her two sons, still in the same positions. Rhian regained his composure first. He stopped cowering, coughing awkwardly. Japeth called back all his scims. He took a deep breath. "Mother, I can explain. I. . ." but Evelyn didn't let him finish. She pulled him into an embrace, and for the first time, he didn't stiffen at her touch. Rhian smiled, and joined them. A few seconds later though, he pulled away, clutching his nose. "Bloody hell, that hurts. I feel like crap." he grumbled. Then he grinned at his brother. "Well, I still look better than you, Japeth" he teased, laughing. Japeth's eyes gleamed, and he matched his brother's grin. "Oh dear, whatever shall we do? Rhian's perfect nose has been desecrated!" he said dramatically. The twins walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Evelyn smiled, but then she remembered what she was doing. She was leaving them. She would never have been able to bring herself to do it, had it not been for what she had just witnessed. As long as the boys had each other, they'd be safe. Japeth had the heart of a snake, cold and distant until provoked, but protective of those he was loyal to. If only that had remained true. . .

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