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After days of flying, Evelyn's stymph dropped her off in the Ever kingdom, Foxwood, of all places. The skeletal bird flew away, leaving her outside an old abandoned cottage. "Well" she said to herself. "This will just have to do for now." . She found a large, red-velvet armchair in one corner of the front room. There was a desk beside the window, and hanging beside it was a golden cage with a courier crow inside. Evelyn smiled. Rafal had thought of everything. She turned into the kitchen, fitted with every convenience she needed. The bathroom was lined with red and blue tiles. Upstairs there was a study, a bedroom, and a nursery with twin cots. She gave a little gasp when she saw them. The wallpaper in the nursery was a pattern of lions, snakes and eagles on a royal blue. After unpacking her things, she decided to go for a walk. She passed a place called "Foxwood School for Boys". The building facing her had a large sign reading "Arbed House" . She didn't pay it much attention, though. She had other things to worry about. People. And so many of them. Ugh. She did need friends though. She couldn't afford to be alone in a place like this. She scanned the area, looking for suitable companions. She found them in two sisters. She strode up to them, gave them her gap toothed smile (notoriously famous for attracting the attention of others), and stuck out her hand. "Hello, I'm Evelyn Sader. I'm new here." she said. The girls smiled back at her, and shook her outstretched hand. The elder said, "I'm Gemma, and this is my sister Grisella. Pleased to meet you, Evelyn. How about you come over, and tell us your story over a cup of tea. Sound good?" . Evelyn found herself being half dragged towards a beautiful manor by Gemma, Grisella walking along beside her. Grisella smiled at her. "Your dress is very pretty, Evelyn." and at those words, a butterfly de-attached itself from her outfit, and landed on the young girls nose. She gave a small squeak, and Evelyn laughed. That gave her a sense of deja vu, about her first kiss with Rafal, and she found she had tears in her eyes. Grisella frowned worriedly. "Are you alright? Was it something I said? I'm so, so sorry. I'm a terrible person" she babbled. Evelyn shook her head, and laughed sadly. "It's not you. It's just I had to leave someone I love very much, and I miss him." . Grisella's eyes widened in understanding. Before she could say anything else, though, they were being sat down at a beautifully carved table. When they were all seated, Evelyn said, "I'll give you the short version. But don't tell anyone else about this, ok?" . The sisters nodded. "I'm a Reader. On the night of the kidnapping, the School Master came to me and took me with him, not as a student, but as a friend. After a while, we grew close. The Storian said I'd have his kids someday. My butterflies started causing trouble, and everyone blamed me. Rafal and I agreed that it was safer for both of us if I left. He promised that he'd come and find me someday. And here I am." . The Gremlaines stared in shock and pity. "Well, that was rude of him, not even coming with you, and you two weeks pregnant." said Gemma finally. Evelyn slowly lifted her head. "What? I- I'm two weeks pregnant? How do you know?" . "It's pretty obvious. I mean, you didn't think you'd just suddenly put on weight, did you?" laughed Gemma. She continued, "All I'm saying is that it was kind of irresponsible of your boyfriend to send you away like that." . Evelyn just couldn't take it anymore, and she burst into tears. "How can you say that? You don't even know him! He didn't even know I was pregnant! He's wonderful, kind, smart, and I love him! He'll come and find me, just you wait!" . Evelyn ran from the house, Grisella chasing her. "Evelyn, wait!" she cried, but it was too late. Evelyn fled deep into the Endless Woods, neither knowing or caring where she was going. As she ran, tears running down her face, she said aloud to herself, "So much for friends".

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