A snake like you

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A.N. Ok, this is definitely the last chapter from Japeth's POV. I promise. Maybe.

Rhian and the Gremlaines had taken over the sitting room, so Japeth had locked himself in his room. He'd begged to have Aric over, but of course his mother didn't listen. She never did. She didn't realise how much he needed Aric. He was fed up of Rhian as well. "You should at least try to make friends with Cedric and Chaddick, brother. They're very nice. Is this because of the incident from 11 years ago?" he'd said. Japeth had made his scims spell 'NO' in the air, and slammed the door. He was planning on spending the entire afternoon sulking, but then he heard arguing. He slipped quietly into the sitting room, and listened to what was going on. "Tedros Pendragon? You think he's going to be a good king? I would make a better king than him! You would make a better king than him, Chaddick. He's an idiot" said Rhian, scowling. "I happen to be his best friend, and his future liege, so I know what I'm talking about, Rhian." Chaddick retorted. "And I suppose he trained you in sword-fighting himself, did he?". Chaddick nodded defensively. "Well then" Rhian continued. "You should be able to beat me easily in a match." . Rhian brandished his sword, and Chaddick did the same. They quickly began duelling, and within minutes, Rhian's sword was on the ground. Suddenly, Chaddick's punched Rhian in the face. Japeth watched as his brother reeled back. "That's for calling King Tedros an idiot." Chaddick spat. Japeth had seen enough. He marched into the middle of the room, ready to defend his twin. "Fly away, little eagle. Fly back to your precious King Tedros. But know that Rhian is more of a Lion than that worthless imbecile could ever hope to be." Japeth sneered. Chaddick gave a laugh that sounded more like a growl. "Please. What could a snake like you possibly know about being a lion?". That was the last straw for Japeth. No one, no one, called him a snake and lived. They barely knew him. Judging from what he had just seen, he was more loyal than both Gremlaines put together. He put his fists up and let scims fly off his arms and torso in every direction. Chaddick clenched his fists around the hilt of his sword. They circled each other, Rhian staying behind Japeth the whole time. Just as he was about to strike, Japeth met the violet gaze through the window. At first, Aric looked hurt, but then realised what Japeth was doing, and nodded. That simple gesture filled Japeth with renewed strength and courage. He felt more scims fly off around him, getting angrier. Aric smirked at his now bare chest, and slunk into the shadows. Japeth was about to unleash a torrent of scims upon both Gremlaine boys, and it appeared that Chaddick was preparing to kill him too, when a swarm of red butterflies sent them both flying back. "Stop!" his mother yelled desperately. He called all his scims back, still glaring at Chaddick. After Evelyn told the Gremlaines to leave, they stared at each other. Rhian was clearly embarrassed to be found cowering behind him by their mother. "Mother, I can explain. I. . ." Japeth began, but his mother enveloped him in her arms, and he leaned into her, not resisting. After Rhian had kicked up a fuss about his nose, they went to freshen up. While Japeth leaned against the wall, waiting for Rhian to be finished at the sink, he said, "Tedros is an idiot, being friends with someone like that. You'd make a much better king than him." . Rhian turned around and looked at him. "Do you . . . I mean, did you really just say that?" he asked. Japeth smirked and rolled his eyes. "Yes, brother. You'd be a great Lion for Camelot. What, I'm not allowed to compliment you every now and again?". And after a pause, "Am I really a snake? Am I so horrible that I'd kill you for power?". Rhian looked at him seriously. "Japeth, let's imagine that in this scenario I'm the lion. That would make you". He bopped his brother lightly on the nose. "My eagle. Making Tedros the snake. Not you. I will always, always, choose you, brother. Never forget that.". Rhian stepped back, letting Japeth get at the sink. He quickly washed his arms and the worst of his chest. Rhian slung his arm around him, and they made their way out to the hall. Their mother wasn't there. All that was left were two dead butterflies. Rhian collapsed, his hands shaking. Japeth just picked up the butterflies. One for each of them. One for each of the sons she had left behind. "I'm sorry, mother" he whispered.

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