Chapter Eleven: Another One Bites The Dust

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(A/n): Sorry for the wait fellas, but I had a lot going-on in my end so I couldn't immediately work on this one.

But hopefully, I can make it up with this heck of a long chapter. It's probably even longer than my season one finale.

But what can I say? I had a lot of ideas I wanted to explore.

But enough about that, enjoy.


It was the morning you woke up from your meeting with Caliber.

Your first thought before waking up was to go tell Kazuma and Aqua, seeing as the two of them already know about gods and goddesses and such (with one of them being a former one herself). Aqua could back up your words to Kazuma since she probably knows a lot of stuff going on in the Divine Realm, and Kazuma could actually give you advice.

And even if she couldn't, it's better to just come out with what you know. Even if it's just the two of them for now.

You thought about only telling Kazuma about the encounter, but you decided to tell Aqua too since you needed someone to back you up on this whole 'god visited me in a dream' thing. The two of them could even cover-up where you've gotten [Platinum Stardust], the story you're going for being that you've found the gauntlets in Keele's Dungeon a few days ago.

Megumin couldn't even deny your story even if she was present in the quest, since only you, Aqua, and Kazuma were the ones to enter the dungeon. The Explosion Mage having been too busy practicing her new [Explosion Magic], and Cirno having been busy helping Wiz that weekend.

See, you introduced the shopkeeper a few days ago to the wondrous invention known as the refrigerator. Seeing as only you and Cirno were the only ones who knew how it works, the Snow Fairy volunteered to help set one up in the shop when you left for the quest.

It seems that once again luck was on the side of (Y/n) (L/n), your plan was foolproof!

Though, those thoughts quickly flew out of your mind when you opened your eyes. All your thoughts flew out of your mind, in fact.

You actually had no idea what the heck was going on.

After waking up from the void, you opened your eyes to the sight of brown and blonde hair. The weight that you felt earlier being Darkness and Kazuma, the two women sleeping on both your sides.

(Y/n): *Blush~!!!* 'Wha--wha--wha--wha--wha--wha--!!!'

You blushed a deep crimson at the sight and its implications.

Seeming to be woken up by your distress, the two ladies atop of you began to stir. Kazuma was the first to awaken. Rubbing her eyes, she greeted you with a small smile.

Kazuma: "Oh, good morning. Darling~"

Kazuma greeted flirtatiously as she woke up. Leaning towards your face, your girlfriend gave you a chaste peck on the lips.

(Y/n) *Blush!* "M-mornin'... senpai."

It took you a few moments before the blush on your face decided to die down. After that time, you decided to return the 'good morning' kiss you received from your girlfriend.

You pulled away as you felt Darkness stir awake on your other side.

(Y/n): "Um...?"

Kazuma: "Yeah...?"

Your eyes flicked to her and then to Kazuma, the brunette only having a mischievous smile on her face.

The sound of your voices seemed to awaken the other occupant on the bed completely, the blonde raising herself fully before looking at you and Kazuma in a sleepy manner.

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