Chapter 16: Noble Strides

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Wren, immensely exhausted from using a huge beastly body and controlling other people at the same time, sat on the grimy street, just a few meters away from Calvin's school. His muscular form had now diminished into a little boy's body, maybe around the age of 8 to 10.

He glared at the primitive cars that pass by from time to time with sheer disgust as it pollutes the air. He'll never use such a thing, he thought. He had been on this planet for weeks now but he still hasn't adjusted fully to the difficulties of living on an ancient, low-tech type 0 civilization.

Along him, scattered inconspicuously, was his crowd of about 20 or so of Calvin's classmates, including the teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez. He shrank his control over them only to their subconscious, giving their personality and own thoughts back. In that way, he can rest from governing their every action but in just a snap he can take full control back again when he feels the need to. It's like they are in auto mode. Except for one.

"You know Tony, this will be easier if I have all the Obelisk,"

"Yeah I agree Wren." Tony said monotonously. Wren kept a bit of his control over Tony, Calvin's rude friend, since he wanted someone to talk to. Obelisk or not, Wren is still human and he craves for a companion, even if his so-called companion was under a trance.

"I can't believe I was outsmarted by Calvin, by them. I clearly underestimated them."

"You surely did."

"It's crazy. I even pretended to be a nurse and Calvin's classmate just to wait for his Obelisk to awaken but I still failed." he whined with a teeny voice. "I feel betrayed. I really thought I played my pieces well. I thought Ophelia would listen to me since we're family. And that Lazzi, I essentially made him to be like me. So I thought he would agree. But the most hurtful one for me is Erik...

"Because you thought he loves you and he will support your plan?"

Wren rested his chin on his small hands and pouted. "I mean, I just want the best for the Universe. If everyone obeys me, there will be no more wars, no more injustice. We will all live peacefully. Simple as that! Why can't they understand?"

"I sure hope you succeed Wren." Tony agreed once again.

Wren scoffed at his own foolishness. He's like he's talking to himself but with a living prop. Wren stood up from the ground and began to trudge along to fulfill his plan. He was a bit sad that he had to put to rest innocent people. But the idea that it was for a noble cause and for the greater good of the future of all living beings made each of his strides firmer and more confident as he continued along towards Calvin's home.

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