Killer x Cat Reader 2

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As time passed, the crew grew used to you and your antics. If you weren't with Killer they would find you sunbathing on the deck or messing with some poor new recruit. The new ones were especially fun since an incident from a few months back happened.

The crew was hanging out in a bar on some lawless island and a drunk fool tried to kick you across the room in an attempt to get the booze that Killer had poured for you in a cat dish. He wasn't happy about you drinking alcohol at first but after enough times waking up to a drunk cat in the kitchen it became clear that it caused no harm, except to the kitchen itself. You weren't that drunk yet and so you easily dodged the kick. He was not as fortunate and took the blunt of a tipsy Killer head on. it actually frightened even you a bit. He was drunk enough to not have any restraint, but sober enough to know exactly how to incite the most pain.

The senior members knew that treating like normal wouldn't cause Killer to fly off the handle, especially if he wasn't drinking. But the newbies acted like you were an untouchable deity with a literal killer behind you. This made your current hobby of toying with them all the more fun. Nothing like intently getting in a cabin boys way while he carries Kids latest project to storage to really freak him out. You always made sure not to do any real harm though, Kid was the only person who still was cautious of you after all.

"Have you seen-" You hear Killer asking around about you as you dart between a new guys legs as he tried to take a cannon ball to the lower decks without stepping on you. He instantly sighs out of relief as you leave him be and dash over to where you heard Killer's voice.

He had a freshly caught fish in his hand as he searched. It was around time for lunch. As you walk up to him, he leans down and scratches under your chin releasing a very vocal purr from your throat. The man had godly hands.

Once your felt like you had shown enough affection towards your masked cutie, you leap onto his shoulder and meow. This caused him to stand all the way back up and head to the kitchen to prep the fish for you. You enjoyed the look from his shoulders since he was such a tall man. He towered over a good portion of the crew and even your human form would be dwarfed standing next to him. This allowed for your ego to stare down at the other crewmates and relish in the superiority of height. You knew it was silly, but as a cat you often had to look up and so it was a nice change.

"Would you like grilled fish, fried fish, or sashimi today?" Killer asks as the two of you enter the kitchen. You mew twice in response. "Fried it is." And he gets to gutting the fish and preparing to fry the fish in oil. You wouldn't mind variety from fish, or at least that's what you want to say, but cats don't have the same amount of taste buds as humans and so you have yet to get tried of the delicious meat. You had over heard before that after lunch, everyone would be going onto the deserted island to check it out. The scouts declared it void of any threats and so only the fresh meat would stay aboard to watch the ship while the others went off to have some fun before dinner. You had seen enough of these islands before and didn't care to explore this one. Instead you decided you would have a nice nap in the sun somewhere on deck.

You watch Killer turn back for the fourth time before heading off after the captain. He was hesitant to leave you, saying things like he had a bad feeling or whatever. Thankfully a cabin boy named Asher promised to watch you carefully and you even purred and rubbed at the boys legs to show your trust in him. He was starting to grow a backbone and wasn't as easy to push over like the other, newer, cabin boys. Just like the senior members he had begone to learn your habits and how to treat you. He even went and set a pillow in a nice sunny yet slightly shaded area on deck where he was fixing some nets for you to lay down. You could grow to truly like this boy.

Somewhere around an hour into your nap was when you suddenly awoke. You had this spine tingling feeling and your hair stood on end. You shot up to the railing of the nearest side towards the sea and watched as a ship was quickly growing. Asher was startled by your sudden behavior, but quickly gathered himself as he saw what you did. In a matter of seconds the remaining crew were split into two. The larger group started to prepare for the possible and most likely outcome of battle, while the smaller one went off to find and inform the rest of the crew. It wasn't uncommon that another ship sailed by when the main force was off somewhere, however you got an odd vibe from the approaching ship and the island was rather large.

It didn't take long for the marine ship flag to be seen and the cannon fire to start. Once close enough the battle got rougher, the new recruits weren't as experienced as most of the new world hardened marine soldiers. You didn't like that the crew was outnumbered and tried to help by guiding who you could to advantageous positions our clawing up a marine who had let his guard down around you.

You had been so absorbed with helping in anyway you could that when Asher, your favorite little slave, was about to be stabbed from behind you jumped onto the marines face. As soon as you had scratched him about three or four times you tried to jump off and to safety knowing he was no longer stunned by the flying cat. Unfortunately you didn't time it right and he grabbed you by the collar of your neck.

"Fucking cat!" The enraged marine spat and walked toward the side of the ship. You could see Asher try and get to you but was quickly prevented by another fight with someone else. As you tried to free yourself you saw him getting loser and closer to the side. You could see from the side that the rest of the crew had gotten here and were slowly fighting their way aboard to help. You had to break free before this man threw you into the sea. You didn't want to die like this, but you weren't sure if turning into a human was worth it. Someone might make it to you, you wouldn't need to leave.

It was during those thoughts that you managed to get another good scratch on the man. He let out profanities as he grabbed you by the tail and flung you into the sea.

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