Ace x Fire Fox reader

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Kinda long but hey ¯\_()_/¯. This has a high possibility of being a four part story btw!

You had been gone for a year or so now and You wondered how your brothers were doing since you left. After losing your biological brother you just couldn't lead the second division anymore and got permission from pops to set off alone for a while. Perhaps they finally found a replacement, you made it clear that you never wanted to hold the title again so they shouldn't be leaving it vacant.

Deciding it was finally time to see your family again you hop up off your cushion you use as a bed and move your tails to ready the small ship. Once it was finished you set the vivre card in a glass dome to guide you and head off before turning to your den den mushi. You were still ashamed to speak to pops so you call Marco instead since he was the first division commander and would hopefully act the most mature.

??? POV

Marco bursts into the kitchen and right up to the table with a den den mushi in hand. His usual poker face broken by a wide grin of superiority which caused the others in the room to look at him curiously, especially Ace. He had never seen Marco like this before.

"Go ahead and guess who is on the other line, yoi." He smugly holds the den den mushi out for Thatch to observe. It didn't even take a minute before Thatch realized who's facial features were shown on their end of the call and snatched the den den mushi away from Marco.

"(Y/N)! How could you call Marco and not me?!" Thatch pouted into the mushi.

"Cause I'm her favorite, yoi." Marco states before attempting to grab the mushi back. Unfortunately Vista got there first.

"(Y/N) my dear, how have you been? I must have left my den den mushi in my room and so you were forced to call Marco, right?" Vista says while fending off the others with an arm and a leg.


Your POV

You stayed silent while listening to the shuffling and arguing going on at the other end. The poor den den mushi probably won't last much longer.

"Hello?" I voice you didn't recognize started to talk. "The others started fighting so it may be a while, I'm holding the 'prize' for whoever wins." Your brow twitches slightly. You had hoped Marco would be mature about this but you had forgot that the most mature out of a bunch a children is still immature.

"Hi, you must be new. my name is (Y/N) and you don't need to bother with their stupid games." You gain a fox like grin and stare kindly at the new family member.

"Uh, sure. I'm Ace by the way."

"It's a pleasure Ace, would you like to gain some blackmail material on those idiotic brothers of ours?" This time a a twisted grin on the den den mushi showed that he liked the idea.

"Of course!" You snickered and wag all seven of your tails in anticipation of the photos.

"I want you to hold the mushi out to them and take as many pictures as you can." There was some shuffling around before you started to hear the fight more clearly.

"Ready." Ace spoke, the grin evident in his voice. You cleared your throat and put on your angriest face.

"STOP IT!!!" The fighting noises seemed to stop. "I was going to tell you I was on my way to visit but if your all fighting maybe it was a bad idea." The den den mushi exploded with no's, sorry's, and come back's. A sudden feeling of joy filled your chest at there desire for you to go back to them, but with it came a heavy pressure on your heart. "I don't want anyone else to die because of me though." You practically whisper your true feelings without realizing you had said it out loud. It grew quite again before Marco broke the silence.

One piece x animal readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin