Chapter 1

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Hi! A few warnings: it isn't entirely canon-compliant, there will be copious mentions of violence, mentions of mature scenes, and use of foul language. Feedback is always welcome :) enjoy!

The cold, misty September air filled my lungs with an icy breath as I stepped out of the cab in the parking lot of King's Cross station. A flutter of excitement filled my chest as I grabbed my trunk out of the cab and paid the driver. I was finally going back to Hogwarts, back to home, after the worst summer I had ever experienced. As I walked in, the people and the noise made me shrink back a little bit. It was always so odd being around so many people after spending my summers alone for most of the time, but the slightly overwhelming feeling was incredibly welcome after so many months of solitude. I made my way to platform 9 ¾, doing my best not to bump into people with my massive trunk, but still earning a few stares and shoulder bumps that made me wince. Making sure no one was looking, I ducked into the wall, and as soon as I passed through, my heart began to race with excitement. Even the platform was so much more familiar and warm than home, with all the 1st years bustling with nerves and joy, the parents fussing over their children, and the Hogwarts Express, sitting there in all its burgundy glory. My face broke out into a massive grin as I spotted Hermione and Luna chatting as they walked onto the train. I broke out into a run and grabbed Hermione in a huge, rib-crushing hug.

Hermione let out a giant, warm laugh as I hugged her. "Hello to you too, Elaine." Her arms wrapped around my torso, and I sighed into the familiar scent: parchment, vanilla, and the faintest hints of bergamot. I let go of Hermione and gave Luna a hug as well, though she was a bit preoccupied with the magazine she was holding...upside down. Makes sense, I thought. Luna's little oddities never really surprised me anymore after being her friend for three years.

"Come on! Harry and Ron are already waiting for us on the train." Hermione walked up the steps, Luna following and me in the back. We made our way through the crowded train, pushing past other students as they stood in the hallway. People were giggling and talking and it felt so good to be back with everyone, even those that I didn't care for all that much. Ron's red hair popped out of a compartment a few rows up, and waved us over. I glanced at Hermione, her face blooming into a bright blush, and I elbowed her side, throwing her a sneaky grin that earned me a pinch on the arm.

"Shut up," she whispered angrily to me, glancing around to see if anyone saw.

"Shut up? I didn't even say anything!" I laughed as we entered the compartment where Harry and Ron were sat, already spread out and comfortable for the long journey ahead. Harry glanced up as we walked in, his face lighting up as he saw the three of us.

"Elaine! Hermione! Luna! My god, I missed you! How were your summers?" He stood and wrapped his arms around each of us, and I noticed they felt a bit stronger than they had in years past. He had grown a little bit too.

Hermione plopped down next to the window, as she had the past five years. "Good. Boring, but I read this incredibly fascinating book on the history of Gringott's, and got a lot of studying done."

Ron leaned over to me and whispered, "Of course she would spend her summer learning."

I tried to hide my giggle as Hermione finished her story, glancing over to see Harry already looking back at me.

"What about you, Elaine?" Ron asked me, and I instantly went still as that familiar feeling of dread washed over me.

"Oh, um, you know. Same old thing for me. Read a lot." It felt like a monumental effort to get even those few words out and my mood plummeted as I was reminded of my home. Of the coldness and darkness that lived there.

Choice's Curse {d.m.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin