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Last time on Total Drama Action... It was every dude and dudette for themselves, as the teams were busted up. But that didn't stop Leshawna from trying to forge a secret alliance with Duncan and Harold.

Harold: There are enough rare tress-killing yellow 1855's in the world to ever make me work with him.

Duncan: You really are such a dork.

Chris: Courtney wowed everybody with her fancy footwork during the first spy challenge. Especially Duncan.

Duncan: [howls]

Chris: The cast made it out of a fake exploding building, but failed to defuse some serious stink bombs, forcing them to de-stink in tomato juice baths. [sighs contently] I love my job. In the end, Courtney and Lindsay got the fabulous reward -- a trip to the local stinky cheese factory!

Lindsay: Oh, I hope there's a cracker factory next door. I love cheese with crackers!

Chris: Will Leshawna's alliance with Duncan and Harold hold? Will Duncan win Courtney back? All this on today's episode of... Total. Drama. Action!

[ Theme song ]

Duncan: Hey, Harold. What's that in your pocket?

Harold: Huh? Probably my-- aw, burrito? Sick! Quit picking on me!

Duncan: I wasn't picking on you, I was picking you up something for later. A healthy diet is critical for a growing wimp. You making eyes at me, muchacho?

Harold: Aw, come on!

Justin: Cut it out, you guys. We need to start sticking together?

Duncan: Ha! Kinda like Harold's butt cheeks. You know, with the beans and the sticking?

Justin: Dude, there are four girls and only three of us. We're outnumbered. With Courtney back, it won't be long until the figure it out.

Harold: If they haven't already. The girls are pretty sharp. [lick]

cut to the girl's side.

Lindsay: Ugh. You stink.


Courtney: You stink like feet!

Alaia: okay we get it you two We three stink

Leshawna: [nose plugged] No kidding

Beth: [nose plugged] Who knew a tour of a cheese factory could make you smell so bad?

Lindsay: It's like we somehow brought it home with us. Gouda, anyone?

Alaia: Lindsay!

Cut back to the boy's side.

Justin: I'm telling ya, if we don't boot one of them, it'll be one of us next.

Duncan: [spits] I hear ya. Chicks are cutthroat.

Chris: The views of the contestants of Total Drama Action do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this network or parent company. They may, but not necessarily. [chuckles]

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