study date

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It's exam week and everyone is cramming last minute. The library is jam-packed even though it is one of the bigger Hogwarts sections. Even walking through the hallways, you are bound to step onto some discarded parchment paper or even worse, run into a poor kid who has their nose stuck in a chunky textbook. Nearly every corner of the castle has a student with their stationary and books sprawled out in front of them, furiously writing down spells and memorising definitions. It's hard to not feel overwhelmed, let alone some peace and quiet.

After a long day of classes, you walk back to your dormitory. Your bag is crammed with textbooks and past papers and you involuntarily sigh at the thought of all the work you have to do later tonight. All you want to do right now is to change into some comfortable clothes, rest and eat. After entering into your room, you flop onto your bed and begin to change. Slipping into some comfortable clothes, you feel a little better and begin to unpack and eat an apple simultaneously. Organising your surroundings somehow also mentally organised everything that is happening. That's when it hit you that you haven't spent much time with Cedric at all. This week has kept both of you so busy that you really haven't done anything together. "Would it be selfish to have a little date during such a stressful time?" you thought to yourself, "But it would be a good way to take a break?" "Enough overthinking, let's just go and spend some time together." 

After thinking about Cedric, you suddenly feel livelier and more energetic. You think about where he could be. You check the Hufflepuff common room but he's not there. You head outside and walk around the common area but no luck. He's not anywhere. Then you realise one place where you haven't looked. Cedric's favourite spot. You venture a little into the edges of the woods and there he was. Sitting up against a tree, with his books and papers laid around him. The sun glistening against his skin, bringing warmth into the atmosphere. you swear you could see light surrounding him. Cedric is furiously scribbling down notes from his textbook when he suddenly looks up. He looks up and smiles a little in surprise and awe. "I wasn't expecting you," he said, standing up. You run up and hug him, nearly knocking him over. "I've missed you so much" you whisper into his ear.  He laughs and holds you tighter in his arms. You head back to the tree and see all his revision for his tests. "I've never seen you study this much" you jokingly say, he pushes you a little before pulling you back into his embrace

"At least I'm trying, have you studied at all?" he shoots back, a wry smile on his face. 

"Well.. actually I already know everything so I don't need to," you say head held high, a smile on your face.

"Sure, sure," he says. You both sit against the tree, your head leaning onto his shoulder. Cedric's fingers find their way to yours and clasped them. He brushes your hair away from your face and cups your chin to kiss you. it feels like everything has disappeared and it's just you two at this moment. After your lips part from his, you blush slightly. Cedric begins chuckling and you playfully swat him. "We should get back to actually revising," you say.

 "If you say so boss" he replies 

"Ok I'm not actually bossy, I was just saying that because I feel like I'm distracting you and I don't want to be the reason why you fail-" you begin to proclaim but he softly kisses you again.

"Your company would never be a bad thing" he whispers. This just made you blush even more. You look up at his eyes, it's so easy to get lost in them. You peck him lightly on the lips again and pick up a nearby book. "Let me quiz you," you say straightening up. "Oh no," Cedric groaned leaning away to grab his quill and paper...

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