enemies to lovers part 2

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Hi please comment down below if you want a PART 3 of this storyline

The next day you're walking to class when you see Cedric. "I should probably thank him" you sigh, mentally preparing yourself to face him. While you still think he's annoying, somehow he seems tolerable now after the whole library incident. "Hey Cedric," you say. He quickly turns around and looks down to find you. A sly smile crept on his face. "Well look who it is. Did you sleep well" he said giggling. "Not as much as I would like, but thanks for packing up my stuff, I guess," you said shyly, praying that you're not red right now. "No way Y/N thanking me," he pretended to do a shocked face. You lightly pushed him, "definitely a one-time thing okay?"

He chuckled " Whatever. Come on we've got to get to class" 

As the weeks went by, you found yourself starting to actually like Cedric. Not in that way of course. Just a friend way. Nothing more. Spending time when it's just the two of you has helped you learn more about him. You learnt that he loves apple and cinnamon as a snack. You learnt that he's more of an early bird - which is completely opposite to you. You learnt that despite being annoying, he actually cares a lot. Like that one time, he helped carry your bags to the library. And that other time he gave you his sweater because you were cold. You didn't have any feelings for him though. Definitely. 

The project was due in a week. You and Cedric have pretty much finished it, just needed to tweak certain parts. Maybe one last visit to the library and it would be completely finished. After your last class, you meet up with Cedric and head to the library. After working on the project for 15 minutes, it was finally finished. "well I guess this is it" you say, leaning back on your chair. Cedric skims over it one last time before placing it in a folder. "I guess we're finished," he says.  "Thanks for not messing this up" he smiles, observing you with his warm eyes. "Yeah well, I guess you weren't as bad as I thought," you said smiling down. You both sat in silence for a while when you suddenly got a brilliant idea. "Let's celebrate!" you said suddenly standing up. 

"What do you mean?" Cedric says looking up in confusion 

"Come on let's go to Hogsmeade and celebrate!" you say quickly packing up. 

"Sure," he says chuckling and following you out the door

You both arrive at Hogsmeade. It was quite chilly. You blow into your hands and rub them for some warmth. Cedric then passes his scarf to you, adjusting it around your neck. For a moment you both stare into each other's eyes, and you swear there was something there. A feeling of longing, wanting to reach out and hold each other. The possibility of there being something more. You quickly look away, "Thanks" you reply shyly looking at the ground in case you were blushing. "Yeah, no problem" Cedric replies. While you were avoiding eye contact with him, you didn't notice that he was also going red. "Come on let's go to Three Broomsticks Inn," you say filling in the silence. "Should I reach for his hand?" you thought to yourself. You quickly glance at Cedric and take a deep breath. You quickly reach for his hand and speed walk towards the pub, facing away from him. His hand felt soft and fit perfectly in yours. Your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks were red for sure. After what felt like an eternity but also mere seconds, you both reach Three Broomsticks Inn. " Uh- let's go in," he says, quickly glancing at you and then holding the door. You quickly smile at him and walk in. You look around to find your favourite table vacant, it was like fate almost. Before you could sit down, Cedric quickly gets your chair and pushes you in. 

After a few drinks, you and Cedric became more comfortable again. Both playfully making fun of each other and enjoying the moment. You went to grab for a napkin at the same moment Cedric did too and your hands met again. It suddenly reminded you of how you truly felt towards Cedric and pulled you back to him. You lock eyes with him and you see the same feeling of longing in Cedric's eyes as you saw before. Slowly, your fingers interlock with his and for a moment your heart stops. "Y/N, I need to tell you something" he whispers. 

"Um yeah wh-what's wrong," you say quickly retracting your fingers. "Does he not feel the same way about me?" you thought, suddenly disheartened. 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he says

"That's what you wanted to tell me?" 

"No," he chuckles " I'll tell you as we're walking..I guess?" 

"O-oh yeah, of course, let's go," you say quickly standing up. "How could I be this stupid?" you wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

As you both exited the pub, there was an air of tension between you. You quickly glanced at him just as he was glancing at you. You both walk in silence towards a more private area near the forest. "What is happening," you thought

"So, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" you say meekly

"Um uh yeah okay yeah" he stuttered "yeah so there's something I need to tell you um. Basically, I've just, I don't know, I've had these feelings for a while uh for you obviously um romantic feelings I should add. And I was just-"

Before he could finish you held his hand and leaned closer, angling your head up to kiss him quickly. You have no idea what took over you, it was almost like an out of body experience. Something just told you to act now. And it happened. When your lips met his, it almost felt normal, as if this was always meant to happen. However, the feeling was surreal. You felt like you were flying. Your arms slowly hugged his neck while his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. You both slowly pulled apart, breathless. That's when you noticed his eyes, which sparkled in the light. "You didn't let me finish" he says a small smile of his face "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Yes" you say grinning from ear to ear. He leans in to give you one final kiss and wraps you closer to him. As you both let go of each other, you begin walking back to Hogwarts, hand in hand. 

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