enemies to lovers part 1

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You were rushing to your class when you run straight into a brick wall. Or it felt like one. "Oh great I'm already late, now this?" you thought annoyed, at yourself for not looking where you went. "Obviously it's you Y/N," a very familiar voice said. You didn't even need to look up to know who said that. "Yeah okay hello, goodbye. I'm already late for my class" you groaned. "Well a sorry would be nice," Cedric said, crossing his arms. "Cedric, I really don't have time for this," you tried to squish through the side but he quickly blocked it. You tried the other side but he blocked that too. "Just my luck" you whispered. "Hey Cedric, I'm so sorry for running into you. Could you please move I really need to get to class," you said, trying to mock being sweet. "Why didn't you say so" Cedric replied, gesturing for you go. But just as you were going to escape, he quickly stopped you. Again. "Wait a minute, why ARE you late? I mean you should be punctual to all your classes and since I AM a prefect AND head boy-" before he could finish you quickly pushed him and ran for your like. "Hey!" he yelled. You turned back sweetly and blew a kiss. 

After a long gruelling class, you felt drained of energy and stumbled into your next class. The professor was explaining some project that was worth 40% of your overall grade. It didn't matter though, the only thing that mattered was getting some sleep. Just as you were about to drift into a peaceful sleep, you heard the professor say, "the project will be in pairs....."You fell asleep until you heard "Y/N and Cedric Diggory!" Your eyes shot up and frantically searched the room, "what's happening?" you thought. That's when you saw Cedric staring at you and raising his eyebrows. You groaned and rested your head back into your hands. You didn't want to deal with this right now. The professor began to hand out the task sheet and you glanced at the piece of paper, eyes still blurry with sleep. "I'll work on it tonight," you told yourself, but that's when you heard a loud BANG. You sat up frightened and confused, only to find Cedric with a big book in his hands. "First being late to class, now sleeping. You really should be punished." Cedric said. "Being with you is already a punishment," you said, your eyes rolling. "Don't worry, I feel the same way, " he said, pretending to throw up. 

"Anyway, we don't have much time to finish this project so we have to start soon." He said 

"Yeah yeah, we'll start tomorrow," You said, laying down again

"Unlike you, I actually want to get a good grade in this class, I won't let YOU ruin my report card."

"Excuse me, I actually get decent grades too." You scoffed

"Sure sure, but we need to work on this starting TODAY," he said, nudging you

"OKAY FINE. We'll go to the library after class. Give me some peace" you said, swatting him away

"I wish I could change partners" he sighed, getting up. 

After class, you and Cedric meet up at the library. Both of you with a scowl on your face. You sat opposite him, trying to be as far as possible. "Okay let's get started," you say. 

"Yep," he sighed. 

"Some enthusiasm would be nice," you said

"Yeah because you're sooo energetic" he replied

"If you're going to be like this we might as well just tell the professor to choose new partners for us" 

"That would be great but everyone has already settled in and actually LIKE their partners genius" he rolled his eyes

You scowled at him and flipped open your book. Cedric copied you. After around an hour, you've both somehow worked together to finish the background research of the project. You definitely couldn't work anymore, it was bad enough to work with Cedric but also use up precious nap time for this?!?! "I think we've done a lot, let's just do the next step tomorrow" you groaned

"Y/N, we've barely started the project. There's still so much to do and so little time." 

Now, normally you would've yelled at Cedric and stormed off. But you genuinely don't have enough energy to do that. So you just internally scream at him and carry on. Cedric looks up at you, expecting a response but he finds you skimming over a textbook page.  "Hm maybe my smartness has rubbed off on you" he tried to annoy you, but you just rolled your eyes and got back to studying. 

After another 30 minutes, the research project had definitely started. Cedric was busy scribbling down important notes when he looks up from his textbook to find you snoring. You were nestled in between books and paper, deep in sleep. Cedric chuckled and stared at you,  "I can't believe someone could be this lazy" he whispered in amazement. He glanced at the clock, which read 7:50 pm. "Well it is, pretty late," he thought. He began to pack up all his books and papers when he looked back at you. "It feels bad leaving her here by herself," he pondered. So, he packed up most of your books and papers too. He left a little note too, just in case you got worried. "doubt that's gonna happen though, " he said. 

Shortly after Cedric left, you started to wake up. After a good long stretch, you realise where you are. "I can't believe he left me here!" you grumbled, glancing at the clock which read 8:30. You begin to pack up your books but you notice that they are already packed up. "Hm," you say "that's strange." You look around to find a little note. It read "Didn't want to wake you up form your beauty sleep (which you need.)" it must've been your brain still fogged up with sleep because you found yourself chuckling "Good job on starting on the project though, didn't realise you're actually pretty smart. From Cedric. P.S I packed up most of your things so thank me later :)" You look at the door and back at your bag and for some reason, a small smile crept on your face. "Maybe he isn't so bad"

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