Hogwarts part 2

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After wanting to be in Hogwarts for basically your whole life, you finally enter the castle. All the first years entered the Great Hall, waiting to be sorted into their houses. The Great Hall, was well, great! With the floating candlelights and the large windows, the place looked magical. You stand next to Cedric. 
"Okay, I'm definitely nervous now," you whisper to him, looking around the hall to see all the older students sitting around.

Cedric chuckles, "be excited!" he says, he reaches for your hand and squeezes it. Your stomach involuntarily flutters but you push those thoughts aside.

The first name to be called up as a boy named Draco Malfoy. He smirks as he walks up the steps. The Sorting Hat instantly knew the answer, as most of the crowd did too, "Slytherin" the hat boomed. Cheers erupted from the table surrounded by children wearing green robes. The second one was in fact, Harry's! You pat him on the back as he walks up the steps. "Hm...brave...friendly...GRYFFINDOR!" the hat stated. Soon, most of the children were sorted. It was only you and Cedric left from your friend group. Hermoine and Ron were also placed in Gryffindor, so you wanted to be in Gryffindor. Cedric's name was called up next and you gave his hand a little squeeze for reassurance. He looked back and smiled at you. "Friendly..courageous..clearly a HUFFLEPUFF." 

"Oh no," you thought to yourself "do I want to be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff now. Well, it's not in my control anyway, the Sorting Hat will sort me out regardless of what I think," you sigh. After a few more names, your name finally gets called out. "This one is hard..you have traits from all the houses... I also see that a special someone is in a certain house" you blush slightly, the hat resumes talking "however, your smartness outweighs the others, RAVENCLAW!" The Ravenclaw table starts clapping as you find a spot around the table. You turn to look at Cedric who smiles at you but has a sense of sadness in his eyes. 

After your first meal with your house, everyone headed to their dorms. Your dorms were big rooms with curtains around the beds which helped create some sense of privacy. Your roommates were Victoria Ferngreen and Laura Trayle. You all were getting comfortable with each other when Laura said: "Y/N who was that boy you were with when everyone was getting sorted?" 

"What did he look like?" you inquired, though you kind of guessed who she was talking about.

"Quite tall, brown blonde hair, warm eyes, kind of cute?" she winked

"Oh, Cedric?" 

"Oh is that his name? Anyway, I saw him glancing at you and HE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!" she squealed

"Laura! we're just friends!" you screamed as you chucked a pillow at her.

The room erupted with laughter as soon nearly everyone was throwing pillows at each other. But in the back of your head, you did feel excited at the thought of Cedric liking you. 

Time skip

As the years pass, you get close to Harry, Ron and Hemione but especially Cedric. You and Cedric are best friends however most people think there is something more. Sometimes you do feel like that too. Like when your fingers brush past his and his eyes light up, or when you glance at him and suddenly you get butterflies. But you try to push those thoughts away, in case they ruin your friendship.

Time skip

You've just started your sixth year at Hogwarts. By now, you know pretty much everyone and are nearing the end of your journey at Hogwarts. It's been interesting seeing everyone mature. It's also been interesting seeing people admit their feelings to one another. Nearly every month there's a new couple. "Great, can't wait for the hallways to be crowded with people kissing," you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes. You still haven't had your first kiss yet, but it doesn't bother you too much.

As your strolling through the courtyard, you hear someone call out your name. You turn around to find Cedric jogging towards you. You instantly feel a little better just being in his presence. "Hey," he says pulling you into a hug


"Where are you headed?" he asks

"nowhere really, just walking around"

"Can I join?" 

"Sure" you smile

You both start walking across the courtyard when he picks up your hand. "Come on, I know a place," he says 

You both walk to a little grassy area which overlooks a lake. Beyond the lake, there is a forest on one side, and far away in the distance are some mountains. "It's beautiful," you say breathlessly "How did you find it?"

"I have no idea" he chuckled, leaning against a nearby tree

You sit down and so does he, leaning his head against your shoulder. It was so peaceful hitting here, you felt like time stopped. All those feelings you were trying to suppress came out. You knew you had to tell him.

"Cedric...I need to tell you something." you murmur

"Wait, I need to tell you something too" he shifts to look into your eyes

"Uh-okay you go first," you say looking down. "Hopefully he didn't see me blush," you thought

"No you go, ladies first" he smiled

Now you were nervous. "What does he want to tell me," you thought worriedly. "Before I go first, can you tell me what you were going to say?" you ask

"I'll tell you after you finish" he smirked

"That's not fair. Give me a clue as to what you were going to say," you said, shaking his arm

"Okayyy well, a clue, hm.." he thought "..red."

"Red? What does that even mean?"

"You said a CLUE," he teased "anyway, please continue"

"Hmph okay," you frown. You take a deep breath "Okay well, I've wanted to tell you this for a while. I guess I've always had these feelings" you glance up at his eyes which hung onto every word you said

"I basically wanted to tell you that I like you-" "No way" Cedric whispers before you could finish. His eyes were wide and filled with excitement, like the first time you both met on the train to Hogwarts.

"What?" you ask

Replacing his answer, his hand rested on your face and he leaned in to kiss you. After a few seconds, realisation kicks in and you pull away in shock. You look around flustered and quickly look at Cedric's face which also looked in shock. Wow," he mumbled. "He's right, it felt electric." you thought. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you couldn't stop. You leaned in this time and kissed him. This time, you were more ready for it. The kiss was more exhilarating and passionate, his hands found his way to your waist and you moved so you were sitting on his lap. After you both moved away to breathe, you peer into his eyes "I can't believe that just happened"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

"What if you didn't feel the same way?"

"Y/N, ever since I've met you, I've wanted to be with you all the time."

"Well why didn't you tell me sooner" you smile

You both lean in for one more kiss before getting up and holding hands. "By the way, what kind of clue is 'red'?" 

"Hey! I didn't know what else relates to love"

"Uhh.. hearts? Valentine's day? Hugs?"

"Wow you really are a Ravenclaw"

"Are you calling me a nerd" you laughed as you pushed him

"Of course I am" he pushed you before pulling you in for a hug

"At least I'm not in Hufflepuff" you joked as you ran away before Cedric could catch you

"Hey!" Cedric chuckled before running behind you

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