Hogwarts part 1

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"Okay Mum, the train is about the leave! I have to go!" you said prying yourself from your mum. But deep inside you knew you would miss her even more. You gave her one final kiss and hugged her. Your father was next to her  "See you soon, kiddo" he said, giving you a hug. You move onto your little sister. There were tears in her eyes, "bye Y/N," she whispered into your ear as you swept her into a big hug. While you looked forwards to being in Hogwarts for basically your whole life, you didn't realise how painful it would be leaving your family behind, even if it was only for a year. 

As you stepped onto the train, you looked back and waved to your family. You never stopped waving until they were just small specks. You sighed and started making your way through the corridors, trying to find an empty carriage. Because you were one of the last ones to hop aboard, nearly all the carriages were full. It also didn't help that you were a first-year with pretty much no friends. After weaving through nearly the whole train, you finally found a carriage with only a few kids in it, who seemed like they would also be newcomers. 

"Hi, could I join?" you ask meekly. They all turned your heads to your direction, "yeah sure" the girl of the group replied. "I'm Hermoine by the way" Hermoine added, hopping up to shake your hand. "Hi, my name is Y/N" you replied, looking around everyone. Hermoine indicated you to sit next to her, a spot you happily took. "I'm Harry," a boy with round glasses said. "And I'm Ron" the boy with hair that looked like fire chirped in. The last boy smiled "I'm Cedric" he said. The first thing you noticed about him was his eyes which were so warm and inviting, you immediately felt like you've known Cedric for your whole life. Cedric chuckled and that's when you realise that you've been staring at him for a while. Feeling flustered, you turn to Harry, "I don't mean to be rude but how did you get that scar, if you don't mind me asking?" Harry tried looking up to his forehead"Oh this?" as Harry began to explain the story, Hermoine injects "I see Hogwarts!" "Hermoine! I was talking!" Harry cries, Hermoine shoots an annoyed look at him "we better get ready!" She hurriedly got up and started putting on her robe. Soon, everyone followed and the air was filled with excitement but also fear and hope. No one really knew how much their lives would change.

Finally, the train stopped and it was time to enter Hogwarts. As Harry, Ron and Hermoine chttered away, you hang back a little and cedric notices. 

"Hey," he says. 

"Hi" you reply 

"Are you excited?"

"A little, I think I'm also nervous too." 


"What do you think it's gone be like" you said with expectful eyes

"Honestly, I have no idea but it'll be fun" he said. For some reason it reassured you, all your worries suddenly disappeared.

You looked up to meet his eyes and smiled, he looked back and smiled. That's when you knew Cedric would be one of your close friends throughout your time at Hogwarts, maybe even throughout life.

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