Author's Note

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Hey! Hailee here!

So, as you probably know, Brooke did a chapter on homosexuality yesterday, and I did my own chapter adding to it, and talking about other stuff.

It would have been a lot easier for us to just write it together. Especially since we grammar Nazgûl each other. That, and you guys wouldn't have had to read two separate chapters, and I wouldn't have had to repeat things. Plus she could give her thoughts on my stuff besides just in the comments.

So, we decided to start a colla-JASMINE!-b.

Sorry, Jasmine... Is connecting the term collab to Torri Kelly, and.. Yeah.

Yeah, that was random. ANYWAY!

That's the basics of this. Basically anytime either of us has some thoughts on a certain topic, we'll put it up here, keep adding to it, and once we're satisfied, we'll give the okay to publish it.

We'll probably have entire conversations in these chapters... Knowing us...

Brooke? Anything to add?
Brooke here!

Not much to add, other than I hope you enjoy this, and that you will comment or PM either of us if you have any questions whatsoever!

Thanks for reading,
Hailee and Brooke. ❤️

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